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^[[Highly important]]

No. 50[[overwritten]]2[[/overwritten]].
A scene of Tartar life painted Kung Kai [[strikethrough]]Kia[[/strikethrough]] of the Sung dynasty
l. 302" in. h. 12" in.


Kung Kai, also named Kung Tsui Yai, had a peculiar ^[[p]]en of his own which was unsurpassed by later painters. When the Sung dynasty was drawing near to its end, Kung was rendered extremely poor, wanting even the plainest ordinary house furniture. Once Kung placed paper on back of his son( using the latter as a  desk, apparently) and painted the  unrivalled group of Horses .

This work depicts the scenes of Tartar life as written by the famous authoress Tsai Wen Chi of the Han dynasty who had been captured by the Tartars. She was longing all the time for the days of once glorious Han, and wrote down her thoughts in some of the most popular literature, known as  the Verses of 18 parts. This illustrates each part of the verses written by Tsai Wen Chi and  well worthy of the beauties of the authoress's pen.

This was among the art treasury of Kao Sze Chi of the Manchu dynasty and explained in detail/[[insert]]as to its  good qualities[[/insert]] in his  Art Comments. In the work there is a comment by Wang Yueh.