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[[two half sheets, first sheet]]


No. 60. 
Portrait of a Taoist Sage by Artist Peh Liang Yu
^[[L]][[strikethrough]]h[[/strikethrough]]. 22.4" in. w. 18" in.


Peh Yu Liang a native of Chien Tang, Province of Chekiang, was a noted painter of portraits of Taoists and Buddhist figures. Peh was a probationer of the Imperial Art Academy of the south Sung dynasty. This represents the sage as sitting on a rock with all the evil spirits subdued [[strikethrough]]under his feet[[/strikethrough]], symbolized by ^[[a]] tortoise[[strikethrough]]s[[/strikethrough]] , ^[[and a serpent in friendly union at his feet.]] [[strikethrough]]mosquitoes, etc.[[/strikethrough]]

[[end first sheet]]

[[begin second sheet]]

^[[ [[underlined]]S.I.[[/underlined]] ]]

No. 61. 
Flock of wild geese entering thickets of reeds
by Ling Sueh of the Sung dynasty.
^[[L]][[strikethrough]]h[[/strikethrough]]. 72.4" w. 39" in.


Ling Sueh was of the period of the south Sung dynasty a noted painter of birds and flowers. In this work the artist tried to depict an evening sky with every sign of snow approaching--a flock of wild geese retiring to the thicket of reeds. 

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