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Han Ta Pi
diametre 11.4" in thickness 4 1/2" in.

[[short line]]

This was excavated at Lo Yang, Honan and used when sacrifising to Earth. It is of greenish color with a heavy coat of lime mould, somewhat rendering the ground substance obscure.

This is considered large in size and found only in tombs of ancient monarchs. As it dates back over 2000 years, this jade is to be prized ^[[as]] having no defect whatever.

Chow Ku Pi
diametre 5.4" in ^[[a doodle? 6 crosses, or letters t, the first and the last larger than the others]] 

thickness 1 1/2" in.
 [[short line]]

This was excavated at Sianfu, Shensi and secured by the late viceroy Tuan Fang. It is of greenish colour with a coat of fine whitish earth mould, decorated with lines of grains of rice, transparent and shiny. It dates back over 2000 years