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^[[For [[Kerk?]] in 3 pieces]] No. 88. Han Tsung Hung (Top jade of the girdle pendant) h. 2.2" in. w. 4.4" in. [[underline]] This Tsung Hung was of pure jade, covered all over with yellowish white earth mould and decorated with fine lines, having three holes on the sides and in the centre, for the purpose of passing silk threads attached to the girdles. It was excavated at Siansu/, Shensi. Han Hwang diametre 3.6" in thickness 0.15 in. [[underline]] This jade circle of "Hwang" was also ornament attached to the girdles. It is of yellowish sun -flower color with reddish spots and a coat of fine white earth mould. It was [[strikethrough]] e [[/strikethrough]] excavated at Sianfu, Shenai, and procured by the late Viceroy Tuan Fang, dating back over 2000 years. Han Hwang A jade ornament of K [[strikethrough]] s [[strikethrough]] semi-circular shape, hanged over the girdles. h. 2.1" in e. 4" in. [[underline]] As recorded in the Book of Fites, gentlemen of olden times uesd to wear ornaments of jade, attaching them to the girdles This was named "Hwang" because of its semicircular shape; from the two holes ont the lower part of the jade two smaller gems are supposed to hang off. This is of yellowish color with coat of earth mould, being excavated at Siansfu, Shensi. This is a valuable piece due its transparent quality.