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No. 91.
Chow Hu (jade cut in the shape of a tiger)
l. 5.4" in. w. 3" in thcikness 3/10" in.

This was excavated from Shanse, and procured by a connoisseur who afterwards presented it to the noted Manchu Emperor Chien Lung. The jade is pure white although mixed with other colors caused by the coat of brown mould, being marked "Feng No. 130--the Imperial Chien Lung Art Series.
It is decorated with lines of tiger figure and used by the ancient emperors when offering sacrifice to the gods. The jade dates back over 2,800 years.

Chow Tsung
h. 2.2" in . diametre 2.7" in.

This jade ornament was excavated about twenty years ago at Hsia Hsi, Chekiang and of yellowish white color with a coat of strange tint. It is translucent, dating back over 3,000 years and was secured by the late Viceroy Tuan Fang.