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^[[pencil marks consisting of x and + signs in unintelligible pattern]] No. 107. Chow Pi diametre 8.6" in. thickness 3/10 1/2" in. [[line]] This is of grayish jade with a coat of grotesque tinge and of extra-ordinary size found in tombs of ancient monarchs. Being excavated at An Hsi, Chekiang and procured by the late Viceroy Tuan Fang, this jade dates back over 2,800 years. [[end page]] [[start page]] ^[[pencil marks consisting of x and + signs in unintelligible pattern]] No. 108. Chow Pi diametre 6/.7" in. thickness 4/10" in. This jade Pi was excavated in Shanse. The color is pure green wh[[strikethrough]]at the ancient people used as a token of tribute to their emperor It was covered with a coat of heavy mould due to its long contact with earth underground. It was procured by the late Viceroy Tuan Fang, and the cracked part was caused in ancient time. ^[[modern time - probably in Excavation]]