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Ceramics --Nearer East:

S. I. 11. Typical Examples of Persian Oriental Ceramic.
By Henry Wallis.

S. I. 19. Byzantine Ceramic Art.
By Henry Wallis.

S. I. 20. Egyptian Ceramic Art.
By Henry Wallis.

S. I. 21. Egyptian Ceramic Art. McGregor Collection.
By Henry Wallis.

S. I. 22. Persian Lustre Vases.
By Henry Wallis.

S. I. 23/24. Persian Ceramic Art. (2 copies)
By Henry Wallis

S. I. 25/26. Persian Lustered Wall Tile XIIIth Century. (2 copies)
By Henry Wallis

S. I. 27) Die Ausstellung von Meister Werken Muhammendanscher Kunst
      28) un Muchen 1910. (in 3 volumes with S.I. 27 and 29.)
By F.R. Martin and F. Sarre.

S. I. 30/34 La Ceramique dans L'Art Musulamn. (in 5 portfolios)
Preface by Gaston Migeon.

S. I. 38. Persian Lustre Vase. 
By F. R. Martin.

S. I. 39. Moderne Keramik von Centralazien.
By F. R. Martin.

S. I. 50. Exposition des Arts Musulmans au Musee des Arts Decoratif.
By Gaston Migeon.

S. I. 51. The Potteries of Persia.
Compiled by Dikran G. Kelekian.