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S. I. 408. Chalfa[[strikethrough]]s[[/strikethrough]]nt, Frank H., Rev.
Early Chinese Writing.

S. I. 376/377 Chamberlain, Basil Hall.
Things Japanese. (2 copies)

S. I. 1057 A Handbook of Colloquial Japanese 

S. I. 781. Chang K'ien - The Story of -- China's Pioneer in Western Asia. Text and translation of Chapter 123 of [[strikethrough]] Sssi-ina [[/strikethrough]] Ssu-ma Tsien's Shi-ki.
By Fredrich Hirth.

S. I. 258. Chats on Oriental China.
By J. F. Blacker.
Published by Frederick A. Stokes Co., N. Y. 1908.