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Hewett, Edgar L.
Archaeological Institute of America. Papers of the School of American Archaeology:

S. I. 689. No. 1. The Ground Work of American Archaeology.

S. I. 690. No. 3. The Pajaritan Culture. 

S. I. 691. No. 5. The Excavations at Tyuonyi, New Mexico in 1908

S. I. 692. No. 10. The Excavations at El Reto de los Frijoles in 1909.

S. I. 694. Archaeological Institute of America. Extract from the Bulletin of the Institute, June 1911. "Two Seasons' Work in Guatemala."

S. I. 697. Historic and Prehistoric Ruins of the South West, and their Preservation.

S. I. 698. Physiography of the Rio Grande Valley, New Mexico, in relation to Pueblo Culture. 

Heysinger, I. W.

S. I. 308. Light of China. The Tao Teh King of Lao Tze, (604-504 B.C.)

S. I. 1034 Hind, A. M.
A History of Engraving and Etching 
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company, New York, 1923.