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Javanese Art.
S. I. 43. Konigliches Ethnograpisches Museum zu Dresden IV.
Alterthrumer addem [[?]] Ostindeschen Archepel und Anqrenzanden Gebietem.
By Dr. A. B. Meyer
S.I.47/48 Indonesian Art. (2 copies.)
By C. H. Pleyte.
S. I. 194. Boro-Boudour Dans L'lle De Java.
By Dr. C. Lumans.
S. I. 704. The Hindu Ruins in the Plain of Parambanan.
By Dr. J. Groneman.
Translated from the Dutch by A. Dolk.
Plublished by G.C.T. VanDorp & Co., Semarang-Soerabaia 1901
S. I. 705. The Tyandi - Barabudu in Central Java.
By Dr. J. Groneman - (Translated)
S.I.1001 Barabudur  ( 3 vols,)
By N.J.Krom and T. Van Erp
S.I.1003 De Batik Kunst  (2 vols.)
By G.P.Rouffaer and H.H.Juynboll
S.I. 967. Walter H. Jessop Collection of Lithographs by Whistler.
Anderson Galleries.  1919.