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Laffitte, Pierre (From the French of)

S. I. 822. [[underline]] A general view of Chinese Civilization and of the relations of the West with China. [[/underline]] 

La Farge, John.

S. I. 326. [[underline]] An Artist's Letters from Japan. [[/underline]] 

S.I.1071 [[underline]] Lalita Vistara, Le: [[underline]] Foucaux, Ph.E. Part I
Landen, Perceval.

S. I. 412. [[underline]] Opening of Tibet, The. [[/underline]] 

La Lanne, Maxime.

S. I. 232. A Treatise on Etchings.
S. I. 235. La Hollande à vol D'Oiseau.

La Lanns's Etchings.

S. I. 232. A treatise on Etchings.
   [[underline]] By Maxime La Lanne. [[/underline]] 

S. I. 235. La Hollande A Vol D'Oiseau.
   [[underline]] By Maxime La Lanne. [[/underline]]