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[[underline]] Persian Miniatures and Manuscripts. [[/underline]] 

S. I. 27. Die Ausstellung von Meisterwerken Muhammedanischer Kunst in München 1910. (3 volumes, with S.I.28 and 29)
   [[underline]] By F. R. Martin and F. Sarre. [[/underline]] 

S. I. 35. Les Miniatures De Behzad un Manuscrit Persan. Date 1485.
   [[underline]] By F. R. Martin. [[/underline]] 

S.I.36/37. Miniature Painting and Painters of Persia, India and Turkey, from the 8th to the 18th Century.
   [[underline]] By F. R. Martin. [[/underline]] 

S.I.40/41. Miniatures Persanes, Exposees au Musee des Arts Décoratifs Juin - October, 1912.
   [[underline]] By Georges Marteau and Henri Vever. [[/underline]] 

S. I. 193. Catalogue of the Codman Collection of Persian Miniatures and Manuscripts presented to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Prepared by A. V. W. Jackson.

S. I. 200. Volume II of Manuel D'Art Musulman (in 2 volumes)
   "Les Arts Plastiques et Industriels."
   [[underline]] By Gaston Migeon. [[/underline]] 

S. I. 813. "Parisia" (Collections de M. Rosenberg.)

S. I. 815. La Peinture en Orient et en Extreme Orient.
   [[underline]] By Marquis de Tressau. [[/underline]] 

S. I. 852. Correspondence pertaining to, and Catalogue of the H. B. Hanna Collection of Indo Persian Pictures and Manuscripts.

S. I. 853. Catalogue of Persian, Mogul and Indo-Mogul Pictures comprising the collection of P. C. Manick, Esq.