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Page 416.
Whistler - continued:

Library #125 Whistler's Lecture on Art. 
By Algernon Charles Swinburne

Library #336. "Trilby"
By George Du Maurier

S.I.956 Swinburne Ms. Facsimiles. The essay which is said to have caused the estrangement between Whistler and Swinburne, which continued until Whistler's death. Published by the Bibliophile Society. 
S.I.957. Exhibition of Etching and Dry-points by Whistler- from the collection of Ralph Kind. Exhibited at the Cleveland Museum of Art. July 11- September 11, 1917.
1 paper covered pamphlet.

S.I.967 Walter H. Jessop Collection of Lithographs by Whistler. Anderson Galleries. 1919. (P). (Drawer 2, Pamphlet steel case.)

SI 578. Cop 2. Greaves, Whistler, and Chelsea. A Personal Note. [[strikethrough]] (Drawer 2. Pamphlet Steel Case.)[[/strikethrough]]

SI 969 Whistler Bibliography: Detroit Public Library Bulletin.
(Drawer 2: Pamphlet Steel Case)

SI 970 The Whirlwind. London. 1890. 5 parts.
(Drawer 2 Pamphlet Steel Case)

SI 968 Art of James McNeil Whistler. Caffin. Lecture.
[Drawer 2. Pamphlet Steel Case.]

SI 980 Whistler Collection- Library of Congress. Pennell. 1921
[Drawer 2- Pamphlet Steel Case]