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[[3-column table]]
--- | --- | --- 
No. | Title. | Collections containing rare or early proofs.

W 1 | # Early Portrait of Whistler | A. F.
  2 | Annie Haden | A.
  4 | Liverdun | F. H.
  7 | # The Unsafe Tenement-1st State | A. F.
    |                       2nd State |
 14 | # La Vieille Aux Loques (Trial) | A. V. 
 19 | # The Kitchen (Trial) | V.
 26 | The Music Room-1st State | A. F. M.
    |                2nd State |
 33 | Greenwich Park-1st State | A. F. M.
    |                2nd State | 
 35 | Thames Warehouses, from Thames Tunnel Pier |
 36 | Westminster Bridge-1st State | A. B-d. F. M.
 39 | # Tyzac, Whiteley & Co. | A. F. M.
 40 | # Black Lion Wharf | A. B-1. F. M.
 41 | The Pool |
 42 | Thames Police (Trial) | A. M.
 43 | # 'Long-shore Men | A. F. M.
 44 | # The Lime-Burner | A. F. M.
 45 | Billingsgate-1st State | B-d. F. M.
    |              2nd State |
 47 | Arthur Seymour | A. L. F. M.
 48 | # Becquet | A. F. M.
 49 | Astruc, a Literary Man | A. F.
 50 | Fumette Standing | A. F. M.