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[[4 columned table]]
|mai|Sagot:|   |   |
|   |Lepère: A Gentilly  1er Stat, no 1|125|   |
|   |Lepère: [[??]] 2e Stat no 1|150|   |
|   |Berton: Fillette, litho|[[underlined]]5[[/underlined]]|   |
|   |   |280|   |
|   |Remise 25%|70|210|

[[4 columned table]]
|Juin 1er|Belin relivres anciennes|   |   | 
|   |Serlio 1544, Relivre re XVIe reprodeite Jour le catal|   |   |
|   |Libri en 1864 - (No 649 cat. 1910|2000|   |
|   |Plinio 1548 (rel. XVI (no. 647 rel. Kerver?|1500|   |
|   |Méditation St Augustin rel. XVIe fer [azurei]600|3000|
|   |   |?30%|   |

|   |Fontan - relivres anciennes|   |   |
|   |Bréviaire Lyon 1556 - rel. entrelais XVI prix [[underlined]]fort[[/underlined]] =|350|   |
|   |Orlando Furioso, Ariosto, Venise 1549. rel. XVIe|250|   |
|   |Reine [[H]] Ludovico Ariosto + de Benibo - Venise 1552|150
|   |(Cattaneo) Enchiridion de Sacramentis^[[1547]]... |25|   |
|   |Petrarque^[[ Salzburg 1594]] (un seul plat)|75|   |
|   |   |850|350|

|   |Louis Cartier (Provenant de Belin)|   |   |
|   |1 Plante, relivre vélin blanc, feuillages et entrelacion (5re)|  
 |900|   |

|14|Yamanaka|   |   |
|   |1 peinture chinoise^[[epoque Ming]]: femme accordée aux une
|   |table, per d’un vase contenant 3 plumes de paon|875|500
|   |1 petite peinture Tosa Journal carré^[[signé: Yoki Kin Zan sei.*]] 40|40|   |
|   |1 garde de sabre par Natsouo|150|150|   |

Transcription Notes:
Characters/words I'm unsure about are marked with [[??]] 2nd page is entirely struck through with the underlined word 'PAYE' Sebastiano Serlio Auguste-Louis Lepère Armand Berton Orlando Furioso is a poem written by Ludovico Ariosto The Reine collection had a lot of Ariosto's works. de Benibo was a poet in the 1500s