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This Japanese quarter of Yokohama is quite distinct from the district up on the bluff at the west, where most of the European and American residents live.  These shops along the way are patronized chiefly by the native Japanese; those inscribed panels and hanging banners are advertising signs.  You can see from here that the shop-fronts on the ground floor are entirely open to the street.  If you were to enter to make a purchase you would politely remove your shoes before stepping on the clean matting which covers the floor.  Treading on the dainty mats with dusty, sharp-heeled shoes would be unpardonable boorishness.  The shopkeepers do their multiplication and addition with the help of a wire frame strung with beads.

Those jinrikishas with two wheels and a folding top are the favorite man-power carriages of Japan; the men are muscular country lads.  It is usual for them to wear the native kimono but some are adopting European clothes.

Notice the neat and elaborate hair-dressing of the women and the bagging big-sleeved kimonos they wear.  The corners of those sleeves serve as pockets in which to carry home purchases from the shops.  City women never wear any head covering except in stormy or extremely cold weather.  These pedestrians, men and women, all wear sandals, you see, or else clumsy wooden clogs, held by a strap passing between the toes.  Those who wear stockings have the great toe separate from the others like the thumb in a mitten.

See that baby strapped on its mother's back.  It is very seldom a baby of the middle or lower classes is carried in any other way -- it becomes accustomed to the bearer's motions and takes naps at intervals even while the mother or big sister is walking about or engaged in some active work.  (See Chamberlain's "Things Japanese"; Scidmore's "Jinrikisha Days in Japan," etc.)

From Notes of Travel, No. 8, copyright, 1904, by Underwood and Underwood
[[double line]]
Picturesque Shops and Crowds in Yokohama, Japan.
Boutiques et Foules Pittoresques à Yokohama, Japon.
Malerische Läden und Volksmenge in Yokohama, Japan.
Tiendas y Gentío Pintorescos en Yokohama, Japón.
Måleriska bodar och folkmassor i Yokohama, Japan.
Живописныя магазины и толпы в Iокогаме, ЯпоняI

Transcription Notes:
Russian via Google Translate. Appears to be very close.