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You are about half way between Yokohama and Tokio; the capital city is on this side of the river——six or eight miles behind you. A little above here some of the fishermen used trained cormorants to catch fish, reaching down under the running water to seize the prey.

The fishermen you see here carry on their trade in the old and universal way, with nets and lines. Notice how the nets are hung on the mast to dry and how their transparent meshes are repeated in those glassy reflections. If you have ever studied many Japanese drawings you see at once how these artists find themes for the charming sketches which so delight the western eye - here right before you is a scene which would give a Japanese artist material for a dozen fascinating drawings.  Water-weed of this sort, with its treadlike stems and leaves, all doubled by reflection in the still waters, have precisely the sort of beauty to be shown with a brush and India ink in the hands of one who knows his art.

The village over there on the western bank is only a small pace, but it is the locality of a Buddhist temple containing a miraculous image of an ancient saint. The image is said to have floated across the sea from China and to have been caught in the net of a fishing boat just like these you see here at anchor. That was hundreds of years ago, and the wonderful image, over there in a temple at Kawasaki, is still working miracles of healing and good fortune for those who resort to the shrine to pray. The twenty-first of each month is a particularly lucky day for devotees, and the railroad between Yokohama and Tokio runs special trains to carry pilgrims to and fro on that date. On the 21st of March there is a grand festival in the temple grounds accompanied by all sorts of side-shows. 

From Notes of Travel, No. 9 , copyright, 1904, by Underwood & Underwood

[[double line]]

Fishing-boats at sunset near Yokohama, Japan.

Bateaux-pêcheurs au coucher du soleil près de Yokohama, Japon.

Fifcherboote bei Connenuntergang, Nahe Yofohama, Japan.
Botes de pescadores à la puseta del sol cerca de Yokohama, Japón.

Fiskarebåtar vid solnedgången i Yokohama, Japan.

Рыбацкие лодки на заходе солнца около Иокогама, Яп.

Transcription Notes:
needs last line