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(8) Sze-ma Ch'ien. Shih-chi Vol I. P. 22. See translated text by E. Chavannes, Les Mémoires Hìstoriques de Se-ma Ts'ien, Tome I. P. 72.

(9) Ku Chieh-kang: loc. cit. P.P. 199-202.

(10) (a) Lo Chen-yü: Yin-hsü Ku Ch'i-wu T'u-lu; 

(b) Ars Asiatica, VII. Documents d'Art Chinois de la Collection Osvald Sirén 1925. p.p. 18-21.

(c) Berthold Laufer: Archaic Chinese Jades Collected in China by A. W. Bahr. 1927.

Transcription Notes:
There appears to be an "ì" in "Historiques" but I don't think that symbol exists in French.