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[[table continued from previous page]]

    | 12. Purchase or selling of slave, concubine, cattle and horse.
    | 13. In the office.
    | 14. Leaving the office.
    | 15. At home.
    | 16. Money making proposition.
    | 17. Asking for an interview.
    | 18. Visiting nobility [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] ^[[or]] high officials.
    | 19. Pursuing the [[strikethrough]] escaped [[/strikethrough]]. ^[[run-away.]]

A fourth list of the type-queries may be added concerning those practiced in Kiangsu in the 17-18th century.  This is based on [[underlined]] Po-fa hsiang-k'ao [[/underlined]].

[[column 1]]
1. Starting a trip.
2. Travell^[[ing]]
3. Moving.
4. Military expedition
5. Fighting bandits.
6. Arresting robbers.
7. Watching for thieves.
8. In trouble and worrying.
9. Crops.
10. Weather(Raining).
11. Weather(Clearing).
12. Illness.
13. In office.
14. Official titles and honors.
15. At home.
16. Residence.
[[/column 1]]
[[column 2]]
17. Marriage contraction.
18. Conceiving and birth.
19. Money making.
20. Keeping store.
21. Going to business.
22. Land property.
23. Asking for an interview.
24. Seeing nobilities.
25. Escaping.
26. Lawsuit.
27. Arrested.
28. Inquiring about [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] spoils.
29. Investigating theft.
30. Locating burying place.
31. Sericulture.
[[/column 2]]

It is to be observed that while the latter lists have been