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^[[2. Class I.]]

This class may be divided into five sub-class:

A. Round-bottomed.

B. Flat-bottomed.

C. Concave-bottomed.

D. Ring-footed.

E. Legged.

The following specimens may serve to illustrate each of the above five sub-classes.

Sub-class I.A. Round bottomed group:

I.A.001  A round bottomed basin with string impressions on the lower half.  Dark gray with light spots here and there.  Irregular striae on the inner surface near the bottom.  Towards the rim, it first becomes thinner, then thicker.  On the margin, a lip is formed, projecting inwardly. Outside on the upper part, regular traces of wheel marks are shown. Hand made, but finished in part on a turnette.  Di. 24.5 cm. Ht.

I.A.002  A round bottomed jar.  Ht. 12.3 cm.  Oval shape with lip turning outwardly. Lower half covered with string-marks, upper part turned on wheel.  Light gray all thru.

I.A.003  A round bottomed jar.  Ht. 23.0 cm. Rm.Di. 15.2 cm.  Oval body with pointed base, fully covered with string-marks.  A developed neck, with outward turning lip.

Sub-class I.B.  Flat bottomed group:

I.B.001  Basin.  Ht. 9.4 cm.^[[;]] Rm. Di. 32.0 cm.^[[;]] Base Di. 20.6 cm. Flat Base, wide rim, outward-turning lip.  String impressions outside. Hand made, with rim finished on turnette^[[;]] gray all thru.

I.B.002  Flat open basin,  Ht. 8 1/2 cm. Rm. Di. 25.4 cm.  Base Di. 20.2 cm.  Side almost straight at the lower half.  The upper part splayed outwardly.  Dark gray all thru.  Entirely wheel made.

I.B.003  Flat open cup.  Ht. 5.8 cm. Rm. Di. 16.0 cm.  Base Di. 5.3 cm.  Side splayed out, thick rim with inward lip.  Wheel made.  Base burnished.  Dark gray all thru.