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You are looking from a tall clock tower towards the south. The greater part of the huge, crowded city lies behind you and at your left.

The nearest building directly in front, down below, is University Hall; the large building beyond, with the arcaded verandahs and the square tower, is the Secretariat, the headquarters of the chief departments of the British government for the Bombay district. The structure is much larger than it appears from here, in fact extends 443 feet in the direction in which you are looking. Down at the right, where you see the trees, is the Mall, a favorite resort for rich British, Indiana and Parsee residents of the town.

You can see the Public Works Building straight ahead, at the right of the Secretariat Tower. Do you notice, still farther towards the right, the gleam of some white tents on a piece of open ground? In hot weather and especially during the frightful days when the plague has been raging through the close-built quarters of town, thousands of people live out there.

And in the distance, beyond all the tall European-looking buildings and the chimneys that tell of western enterprise, do you see that broad reach of water? It is the great Arabian Sea. Over that stretch of rolling blue come in the great ocean liners from England. Viceroys come and go from a pier down beyond those dignified buildings. Many a tired man here in India dreams of the day when he may go sailing out over that very sea for a glimpse of the old home.

(See Steevens' "In India;" Karageorgeovitch: "Enchanted India"; Lady Dufferin: "Viceregal Experiences in India." ect.)

From Notes of Travel, No. 11, copyright, 1904, by Underwood & Underwood

University Hall and Secretariat, S. from Rajabai Tower, Bombay, India

L'Université et Secrétariat, ve Sud, prise de la Tour Rajabai, Bombay, Inde.

Univerfitätshalle und Setretariat, jüblich vom Rajabai Thurm, Bombay, Indien

Corredor y secretaría de la Universitad S. tomado de la Torre Rajabai, Bombay, India.

Universitetshall och skretariat, söderut frân Rajabaitornet, Bombay, Indien.

университетскiй эалъ и секретарiатъ, къ югу отъ башни Ралжабая, Бомóей Индiя