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8452 "We are looking up the river and westward . . . . Much bathing does not signify great cleanliness any more than much praying denotes great sanctity. This bathing is ceremonial rather than sanitary. With the Hindus, bathing is the only means of effectually counteracting or removing ceremonial pollution ; it is necessary that there should be complete immersion, so the regulation method is to close the nostrils with thumb and finger and plunge ; one hair left above the water might bring spiritual disaster. The bath is necessary before eating, before entering a temple, and in many other cases. The polluting touch of the most friendly European requires a bath-absolution. 

There are many bathing places along the Hoogly here in Calcutta. There are at least seven beyond this on the same side of the river and probably as many more in the opposite direction. The next bathing ghat beyond this is where you see those buildings extending towards the river ; at that place men and women bathe together. On certain festal days a much greater number of people would be found here ; at such times the streets leading towards the ghats are lined with bathers going and returning. 

You may see some brass 'chatties' on the beach ; those are used at the bath for pouring water over the head before the concluding plunge below the surface. 

The Hoogly above Howrah Bridge is a scene of shipping activity ; a swing in the bridge allows the passage of smaller craft. The ocean-liners are below the bridge."

(Extract from India through the Stereoscope by James Ricalton.)

From Notes of Travel No. 39, copyright 1907 by Underwood & Underwood. 

Bathing in the Hoogli river at Calcutta, India.

Baigneurs dans la rivière Hoogli, à Calcutta, Indes. 

Beim Bade im ,,Hoogli" Strom, Calcutta, Ostindien. 

Bañándose en el río Hoogli, en Calcutta, India. 

Badande i Hoogli-floden vid Kalkutta, Indien. 

купанiе въ рѣкѣ Гугды въ Калькуттѣ, Индiя.

Transcription Notes:
need help with foreign language translations