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This is one of the holiest places in all the sacred City of the Gods. Millions of devout Hindus have come here from all over India to bathe in this tank as you see that native doing now. There is an old tradition that the god dug this pit himself, ages ago, and drops of his divine perspiration are still a part of its contents! Milk, flowers, sandal-wood and other offerings are dropped into it by the pious.

That brown-skinned Hindu down there in the pool will immerse himself thoroughly several times, take some of the liquid up in his hand and drink it in reverent sips, silently praying meanwhile to the gods. Then he will come out and either let his clothes dry in the sun or else change them under an umbrella like those you see on the upper bank; if he can afford it he will be shaven and rubbed with oil as a part of the religious program—in any case he will make a money offering to the priest in attendance. So far from expecting you to share his ceremonial ablutions, he would consider himself and the well seriously defiled by the touch of an outcast like yourself. Being of orthodox religion he hopes that, as a reward for this devotion, he may be permitted to omit several soul-transmirations after death and hasten sooner to a heaven where unbelievers can never find entrance.

The Hindu religion of thirty-five centuries ago included much that was beautiful and true and there are to-day enlightened Brahmans who keep to the ancient simplicity and purity of faith; but the mass of people, here as elsewhere, make less of the spirit and more of the letter of their religious instruction.

(See Carpenter: "From Adam's Peak to Elephanta"; Scidmore: "Winter India"; Karageorgeovitch: "Enchanted India." etc.)

From Notes of Travel, No. 11, copyright, 1904, by Underwood & Underwood.

Hindu pilgrims bathing in the well of Vishnu, Benares, India.

Pélerins hindous se baignant dans le puits de Vishnou, Bénarès, Inde.

Hindu Bilger in der Duelle Biichnu's badend. Benares, Indien.

Peregrino Hindu bañandose en el alhibe de Vishnu, Benares, India.

I Vishnukällan badande pilgrimer Benares, Indien.

Индчсскіе пилигримы, купающіеся въ источникѣ Вишну. Ѣенарееъ, Индія.

Transcription Notes:
Transcribed Cyrillic using for future reference :)