Browse Projects

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212 Total pages
45 Contributing members

The Annamae Myers diaries record the activities of a farm family in Ohio, 1931-1967. There are daily entries about the weather and frequent mention of trips to the hairdresser and trips to the children's music and dancing lessons and to town for shopping, movies, or to pay bills. The diaries include frequent entries of amounts received for the sale of farm produce, and some financial data are entered at the end of each volume, but such entries are neither regular nor complete. They do however provide information on prices for agricultural products in a rural community. Major political and historic events are noted. There is infrequent reference to the emotions generated by family living and by the historic and political events of the twentieth century. Also includes a few diaries kept by Stephen Harriman, Mrs. Myers' maternal grandfather, with very brief daily entries of the weather, trips to town, visits made and visitors to the farm, and the start of farm operations, i.e., plowing, sowing.

Browse projects by Archives Center - NMAH

100% Complete

204 Total pages
31 Contributing members

The Annamae Myers diaries record the activities of a farm family in Ohio, 1931-1967. There are daily entries about the weather and frequent mention of trips to the hairdresser and trips to the children's music and dancing lessons and to town for shopping, movies, or to pay bills. The diaries include frequent entries of amounts received for the sale of farm produce, and some financial data are entered at the end of each volume, but such entries are neither regular nor complete. They do however provide information on prices for agricultural products in a rural community. Major political and historic events are noted. There is infrequent reference to the emotions generated by family living and by the historic and political events of the twentieth century. Also includes a few diaries kept by Stephen Harriman, Mrs. Myers' maternal grandfather, with very brief daily entries of the weather, trips to town, visits made and visitors to the farm, and the start of farm operations, i.e., plowing, sowing.

Browse projects by Archives Center - NMAH

100% Complete

205 Total pages
9 Contributing members

The Annamae Myers diaries record the activities of a farm family in Ohio, 1931-1967. There are daily entries about the weather and frequent mention of trips to the hairdresser and trips to the children's music and dancing lessons and to town for shopping, movies, or to pay bills. The diaries include frequent entries of amounts received for the sale of farm produce, and some financial data are entered at the end of each volume, but such entries are neither regular nor complete. They do however provide information on prices for agricultural products in a rural community. Major political and historic events are noted. There is infrequent reference to the emotions generated by family living and by the historic and political events of the twentieth century. Also includes a few diaries kept by Stephen Harriman, Mrs. Myers' maternal grandfather, with very brief daily entries of the weather, trips to town, visits made and visitors to the farm, and the start of farm operations, i.e., plowing, sowing.

Browse projects by Archives Center - NMAH

100% Complete

202 Total pages
29 Contributing members

The Annamae Myers diaries record the activities of a farm family in Ohio, 1931-1967. There are daily entries about the weather and frequent mention of trips to the hairdresser and trips to the children's music and dancing lessons and to town for shopping, movies, or to pay bills. The diaries include frequent entries of amounts received for the sale of farm produce, and some financial data are entered at the end of each volume, but such entries are neither regular nor complete. They do however provide information on prices for agricultural products in a rural community. Major political and historic events are noted. There is infrequent reference to the emotions generated by family living and by the historic and political events of the twentieth century. Also includes a few diaries kept by Stephen Harriman, Mrs. Myers' maternal grandfather, with very brief daily entries of the weather, trips to town, visits made and visitors to the farm, and the start of farm operations, i.e., plowing, sowing.

Browse projects by Archives Center - NMAH

100% Complete

500 Total pages
26 Contributing members
Antidesma and others

The Antidesma is a fruiting plant that is known for its cherry-like fruits that can be made in to jam.

Please contact Sylvia Orli, Department of Botany, or tweet us at @sylviaorli @TranscribeSI for any questions or comments about the transcriptions.

Browse projects by NMNH - Department of Botany

100% Complete

500 Total pages
30 Contributing members
Antidesma and others Set 2

The Antidesma is a fruiting plant that is known for its cherry-like fruits that can be made in to jam.

Please contact Sylvia Orli, Department of Botany, or tweet us at @sylviaorli @TranscribeSI for any questions or comments about the transcriptions.

Browse projects by NMNH - Department of Botany

100% Complete

500 Total pages
23 Contributing members
Antidesma and others set 3

As well as Antidesma, we also have a number of other Euphorb species including Bischofia javanica, commonly used by tigers to scratch-mark territory in the jungles of Assam, Indian.

Please contact Sylvia Orli, Department of Botany, or tweet us at @sylviaorli @TranscribeSI for any questions or comments about the transcriptions.

Browse projects by NMNH - Department of Botany

100% Complete

19 Total pages
22 Contributing members
Apollo 11 Flight Director; CapCom (Reel 1 of 2), July 16, 1969

Join us in celebrating the 50th anniversary of the launch of Apollo 11 by transcribing sound recordings from the landmark event. Part of the National Air and Space Museum's Archives' United States Space Program Oral History Collection [Kapp], this set of recordings related to the Apollo 11 mission include crew press conferences, loops of audio from the launch director, the flight director, and the Public Affairs Office, and the reaction to the moon landing in the press room of the Manned Spaceflight Center in Houston, Texas. Every TC Sound segment transcribed helps make the history of Apollo 11 and the U.S. Space Program more accessible. Please view the instructions for transcribing audio collections before beginning and please **NOTE** many of these recordings are difficult to hear and contain multiple interruptions and silences.

Browse projects by Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum Archives

100% Complete

5 Total pages
12 Contributing members
Apollo 11 Launch Director's Loop (Reel 1 of 3), July 10 and 16, 1969

Join us in celebrating the 50th anniversary of the launch of Apollo 11 by transcribing sound recordings from the landmark event. Part of the National Air and Space Museum's Archives' United States Space Program Oral History Collection [Kapp], this set of recordings related to the Apollo 11 mission include crew press conferences, loops of audio from the launch director, the flight director, and the Public Affairs Office, and the reaction to the moon landing in the press room of the Manned Spaceflight Center in Houston, Texas. Every TC Sound segment transcribed helps make the history of Apollo 11 and the U.S. Space Program more accessible. Please view the instructions for transcribing audio collections before beginning and please **NOTE** many of these recordings are difficult to hear and contain multiple interruptions and silences.

Browse projects by Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum Archives

100% Complete

21 Total pages
13 Contributing members
Apollo 11 Launch Director's Loop (Reel 2 of 3), Side A, July 16, 1969

Join us in celebrating the 50th anniversary of the launch of Apollo 11 by transcribing sound recordings from the landmark event. Part of the National Air and Space Museum's Archives' United States Space Program Oral History Collection [Kapp], this set of recordings related to the Apollo 11 mission include crew press conferences, loops of audio from the launch director, the flight director, and the Public Affairs Office, and the reaction to the moon landing in the press room of the Manned Spaceflight Center in Houston, Texas. Every TC Sound segment transcribed helps make the history of Apollo 11 and the U.S. Space Program more accessible. Please view the instructions for transcribing audio collections before beginning and please **NOTE** many of these recordings are difficult to hear and contain multiple interruptions and silences.

Browse projects by Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum Archives

100% Complete

21 Total pages
11 Contributing members
Apollo 11 Launch Director's Loop (Reel 2 of 3), Side B, July 16, 1969

Join us in celebrating the 50th anniversary of the launch of Apollo 11 by transcribing sound recordings from the landmark event. Part of the National Air and Space Museum's Archives' United States Space Program Oral History Collection [Kapp], this set of recordings related to the Apollo 11 mission include crew press conferences, loops of audio from the launch director, the flight director, and the Public Affairs Office, and the reaction to the moon landing in the press room of the Manned Spaceflight Center in Houston, Texas. Every TC Sound segment transcribed helps make the history of Apollo 11 and the U.S. Space Program more accessible. Please view the instructions for transcribing audio collections before beginning and please **NOTE** many of these recordings are difficult to hear and contain multiple interruptions and silences.

Browse projects by Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum Archives

100% Complete

29 Total pages
13 Contributing members
Apollo 11 Launch Director's Loop (Reel 3 of 3), July 16, 1969

Join us in celebrating the 50th anniversary of the launch of Apollo 11 by transcribing sound recordings from the landmark event. Part of the National Air and Space Museum's Archives' United States Space Program Oral History Collection [Kapp], this set of recordings related to the Apollo 11 mission include crew press conferences, loops of audio from the launch director, the flight director, and the Public Affairs Office, and the reaction to the moon landing in the press room of the Manned Spaceflight Center in Houston, Texas. Every TC Sound segment transcribed helps make the history of Apollo 11 and the U.S. Space Program more accessible. Please view the instructions for transcribing audio collections before beginning and please **NOTE** many of these recordings are difficult to hear and contain multiple interruptions and silences.

Browse projects by Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum Archives