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Artists Talk on Art Records: Panel Flyers, 2009

Artists Talk on Art is the art world's longest running and most prolific aesthetic panel discussion series organized by artists for artists. The still-active series is based in New York, New York and held at various locations around SoHo. Help us transcribe the key information on date, event name and participants listed in these promotional flyers which date from the 1970s through 2008.

Directions: Transcribe the following data from each event listed on the flyer:

  • Event Date: Transcribe in YYYY-MM-DD
  • Event Name: Transcribe as the name is listed on the flyer
  • Participants: Transcribe the participant names as "Last Name, First Name". Add the roles "moderator" or "organizer" in parentheses following first name when those roles are listed in the flyers. Separate names with a semicolon.

General guidance: Only transcribe flyer sections and pages which contain the required data. This may mean leaving some pages with no transcription at all. Do record event names or participants that are annotated or crossed out using normal Transcription Center formatting practices, i.e. [[crossed out]]Doe, Jane[[/crossed out]]. Transcribe typographical errors or misspellings as they appear with no corrections.

Browse projects by Archives of American Art

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7 Contributing members
Artists Talk on Art Records: Pre-ATOA "Art Talks" Flyer, circa 1970s

Artists Talk on Art is the art world's longest running and most prolific aesthetic panel discussion series organized by artists for artists. The still-active series is based in New York, New York and held at various locations around SoHo. Help us transcribe the key information on date, event name and participants listed in these promotional flyers which date from the 1970s through 2008.

Directions: Transcribe the following data from each event listed on the flyer:

  • Event Date: Transcribe in YYYY-MM-DD
  • Event Name: Transcribe as the name is listed on the flyer
  • Participants: Transcribe the participant names as "Last Name, First Name". Add the roles "moderator" or "organizer" in parentheses following first name when those roles are listed in the flyers. Separate names with a semicolon.

General guidance: Only transcribe flyer sections and pages which contain the required data. This may mean leaving some pages with no transcription at all. Do record event names or participants that are annotated or crossed out using normal Transcription Center formatting practices, i.e. [[crossed out]]Doe, Jane[[/crossed out]]. Transcribe typographical errors or misspellings as they appear with no corrections.

Browse projects by Archives of American Art

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55 Total pages
56 Contributing members
Asawa, Ruth, Artists' Files, Ankrum Gallery Records

Renowned Japanese-American sculptor and arts education advocate, Ruth Asawa was born in California in 1926. Her work can be found in the collections of the Guggenheim Museum, the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York, and throughout museums and public areas of San Francisco. During WWII, Asawa, along with her mother and five of her six siblings, were sent to the Rohwer War Relocation Center in Arkansas. Her father, Umakichi Asawa, was arrested by FBI agents in February 1942 and interned at a detention camp in New Mexico. After leaving Rohwer in 1943, Asawa attended school in Milwaukee and later, at Black Mountain College in North Carolina where she took courses in a variety of different art forms, eventually experimenting with wire. Her looped-wire sculptures earned her prominence in the modern art world, with exhibitions of her work in museums in New York and Californa beginning in the 1950s and 1960s. Help transcribe her artists' files from the Ankrum Gallery.

Browse projects by Archives of American Art

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16 Contributing members
Audio Letter from Harold Conklin, Alan Harwood Papers

Audio-letter from Harold Conklin (Prof. Yale; formerly of Columbia and Alan Harwood's advisor at the time), Mario Bick (fellow graduate student; Ph.D. Columbia; faculty of Bard College), Georgeda Buchbinder Bick (fellow graduate student; Ph.D. Columbia; deceased); Michiko Takaki (fellow graduate student, transferred to Yale when Conklin moved there; Ph.D., Yale; faculty at University of Massachusetts Boston, retired). Please view the instructions for transcribing audio collections before beginning..

Browse projects by National Anthropological Archives

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29 Contributing members
Austria à la Carte lecture recording, Side A, Lisa Chickering and Jeanne Porterfield Collection

These materials directly relate to Chickering and Porterfield's professional film output, including corresponding film lectures delivered by Chickering and Porterfield on the travel lecture circuit. Lecture recordings are largely undated but provide a glimpse into the timing and delivery of (and audience reaction to) Chickering and Porterfield's longer lecture films. Some recordings include snippets of other performers.Please view the instructions for transcribing audio collections before beginning.

Browse projects by National Anthropological Archives

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15 Contributing members
Austria à la Carte lecture recording, Side B, Lisa Chickering and Jeanne Porterfield Collection

These materials directly relate to Chickering and Porterfield's professional film output, including corresponding film lectures delivered by Chickering and Porterfield on the travel lecture circuit. Lecture recordings are largely undated but provide a glimpse into the timing and delivery of (and audience reaction to) Chickering and Porterfield's longer lecture films. Some recordings include snippets of other performers.Please view the instructions for transcribing audio collections before beginning.

Browse projects by National Anthropological Archives

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23 Contributing members
Author Talk: Patti Smith

Please view the instructions for transcribing audio collections before beginning. In this author talk, recorded at the National Portrait Gallery on December 11, 2010, Patti Smith discusses "Just Kids," her National Book Award-Winning memoir. Smith was interviewed by the NPG's David C. Ward, Historian. "Just Kids" is a memoir of early 1970s Manhattan and of Patti Smith's friendship with artist Robert Mapplethorpe. Discussion produced by the NPG's education department, and in conjunction with the NPG exhibition "Hide/Seek: Difference and Desire in American Portraiture."

Browse projects by National Portrait Gallery

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31 Contributing members
Author Talk: Stacilee Ford

"Troubling American Women: Narratives of Gender and Nation in Hong Kong" -- author Stacilee Ford discusses her book. American women have lived in Hong Kong and neighboring Macao for nearly two centuries. Many were changed by their encounter with Chinese life and British colonialism. Their openness to new experiences set them apart, while their "pedagogical impulse" gave them a reputation for outspokenness that troubled others. Drawing on memoirs, diaries, newspapers, films, and other texts, Stacilee Ford tells the stories of several American women and explores how, through dramatically changing times, they communicated their notions of national identity and gender. "Troubling American Women: Narratives of Gender and Nation in Hong Kong" is a lively and provocative study of cross-cultural encounters between Hong Kong and the U.S. and of stereotypes of American womanhood in Hong Kong popular culture. Recorded at NPG, October 19, 2011. Talk located on the National Portrait Gallery's iTunesU page.

Browse projects by National Portrait Gallery

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8 Contributing members
Autograph note written to William Turner by Eyamba V

This letter was written by King Eyamba V to William Turner. King Eyamba ruled over the township of Duke in the city-state of Old Calabar, now Calabar, Nigeria. Between 1720 and 1830 over one million enslaved men and women were forced onto British slave ships based in Old Calabar. Although the British had banned the slave trade in 1808, slavery was not banned in all British territories until 1833, and traders from other nations continued to purchase slaves at Calabar until 1842. This letter dates from the historically important moment when the two most prominent Efik kings at Calabar, Eyo Honesty II and Eyamba V, gave-up their trading monopoly over the supply of slaves captured in the interior, and replaced it with a plantation system for the cultivation of palm oil. By the 1840s Calabar had become the center for the export of palm oil to industrial Britain. This letter documents various aspects of the trading partnership and the friendship between Turner and the Old Calabar kings. In particular, the informal “trust trade” system derived from the slave trading days, whereby Turner and other European traders traded manufactured goods (rum in particular) to Eyamba and other rulers in exchange for palm oil, sugar, etc. Help us transcribe this important letter documenting Eyamba V’s efforts to find new business ventures with Europeans once slavery was abolished.

Browse projects by National Museum of African American History and Culture

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5 Contributing members
Autograph sheet from the 1990 Negro League Baseball Players Association Reunion

African Americans have had a complicated relationship with baseball, the “national pastime.” This long history has been characterized by exclusion, innovation, the creation of all-black institutions, struggle, and pioneering successes. The Negro Leagues created opportunities for African Americans to play the game professionally in a segregated nation, but many also looked to the sport as a place where the civil rights cause could be advanced. In 1947 Major League Baseball was integrated when Jackie Robinson signed with the Brooklyn Dodgers, one of the most significant events in the history of African American sport. Help us transcribe the names on this autograph sheet from the 1990 Negro League Baseball Players Association Reunion and learn more about the role of African Americans in the history of American baseball.

Browse projects by National Museum of African American History and Culture

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100 Total pages
18 Contributing members
Bailey - Arizona, California, Mexico, New Mexico, Texas, July - October 1908

Have you ever started a project and nothing seems to be where it belongs? Shortly after arriving in Albuquerque, New Mexico, naturalist Vernon Orlando Bailey rode across the Rio Grande river and could find no trace of life to indicate the Lower Sonoran. As a person whose career was surveying biological life across North America, these observations raised questions instead of dashing his spirits. Join our volunpeers in transcribing Bailey's 1908 field book to see what he makes of his findings and the clues they provide.

Browse projects by Smithsonian Institution Archives

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94 Total pages
23 Contributing members
Bailey - Arizona, California, New Mexico, May 1907 - August 1907

To what lengths would you go for your research? Naturalist Vernon Orlando Bailey regularly traveled through the American Southwest at the height of summer to collect and observe the animals and plants there. Bailey regularly worked on foot or horseback, camping near the location he was studying and making do with what was on hand. Specimens from his many expeditions as part of the Bureau of Biological Survey can be found in the National Museum of Natural History's mammal and birds collections. Join other volunteers in transcribing his summer 1907 field journal to make this collector's personal accounts more accessible to researchers and scholars today.

Browse projects by Smithsonian Institution Archives