Browse Projects

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2 Contributing members
A. M. Davis Christmas Card, 1929, Norcross Greeting Card Collection

Transcribe this 1920's holiday card as part of our #TCGreetings campaign! The Norcross Greeting Card Collection consists of cards and a few records of both the Norcross Greeting Card Company and the Rust Craft Greeting Card Company, circa 1911 1981; antique greeting cards, circa 1800 1930 (bulk 1880 1900) collected by both these companies and their executives; and a small number of modern cards by other manufacturers, circa 1939 1960. According to Norcross Company officials in 1978, this collection represents "not only a history of the development of the greeting card industry but also a history of social trends in the United States" and gives "an indication of the quality and technology of the [printing] industry from 1924 through 1978." Learn more about both companies in the collection's finding aid.

Browse projects by Archives Center - NMAH

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60 Total pages
45 Contributing members
A. Roy Knabenshue biographical information

The A. Roy Knabenshue Collection contains approximately three and a half cubic feet of material relating to the life and career of a daring aeronaut and the United States' first successful dirigible pilot. The collection includes correspondence, photographic material, drawings of aircraft, and flight records. The material spans over seventy years, from the end of the nineteenth century to the nineteen-sixties.

Browse projects by Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum Archives

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81 Total pages
12 Contributing members
A. S. Hitchcock - Photo album of British Guyana, Cuba and the US, 1919-1920

Botanist Alfred Spears Hitchcock (1865-1935) traveled a good amount in the course of his work. He put together a number of photo albums to visually document his trips collecting specimens.   Join us in transcribing the captions in this album of his travels. In addition to photos of trees and vegetation, you will also find landscapes, towns, local people, sailing vessels and harbors. Sites range from a number of Caribbean islands and British Guyana to land-locked sites in Colorado, Wyoming and New Mexico.

Browse projects by Smithsonian Institution Archives

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129 Total pages
78 Contributing members
A. Stelfox - Field Notes, Volume 7, 1935-1936

Is there something special about bees in the British Isles? Irish naturalist Arthur W. Stelfox was fascinated by them. In this seventh volume of his field notes, he travels to both east and west coasts of southern Ireland. Together with his daily record, he notes specimen names, date collected, sex, quantity, sometimes remarks on the weather, location and sometimes specific type of environment. It's worth noting that someone was checking his work. When "R.C.L.P" follows a specimen name, it signifies that D. R. C. L. Perkins, F.R.S. also saw and verified the entry. Please join us in transcribing this project. Your contributions make it more accessible to researchers.

Browse projects by Smithsonian Institution Archives

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274 Total pages
33 Contributing members
A.W. Quilter journal of travels in East Africa

Journal of A.W. Quilter from his travels in Africa from 1909-1911. The journal details Quilter's safari travels and big game hunting in East Africa. Starting in October of 1909, Quilter and 30 others start their safari in what he calls "Kizii country." The journal tells of Quilter's encounters with the people and animal life of East Africa during his adventurous travel.

Browse projects by Smithsonian Libraries

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2 Contributing members

Are you a garden lover? Who isn't? Since its founding in 1878, W. Atlee Burpee & Co. has run an extensive mail order seed company with international customers. In 1925, Burpee & Co. announced a prize contest where anyone could write in explaining What Burpee's Seeds Have Done for Me? Note: Please transcribe stamped or circled dates at the top of the page.

Browse projects by Archives of American Gardens

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26 Total pages
12 Contributing members
Aaron A. Sargent 1883 Designs for Aerial Ship

Aaron Augustus Sargent (1827-1887) was born in Newburyport, Massachusetts. After working in the printer's trade in Philadelphia, PA, he moved to Washington, DC and became Secretary to a Member of Congress. He later owned a paper in Nevada City, CA and studied law there, subsequently serving as District Attorney and as Representative to the Thirty-seventh Congress. He served as a United States Senator from 1873-1879. In January 1878 he introduced to the Senate a bill that was to be adopted in 1920 as the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, granting suffrage to women. Sargent returned to California in 1880. He was appointed Minister to Germany (1882-1884) and thereafter practiced law in San Francisco, CA.

Browse projects by Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum Archives

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49 Total pages
53 Contributing members
Abbott's Monthly Vol. II No. 1

From October 1929 to September 1933, "Abbott’s Monthly" successfully engaged readers with a cosmopolitan feel that featured unknown contemporary authors who addressed African American news while also writing fiction pieces. The publication was founded by Robert Sengstacke Abbott, founder and owner of the already popular "Chicago Defender," the most popular African American newspaper in the country at the time. The first edition of "Abbott's Monthly" sold nearly 50,000 copies and shortly thereafter soared to 100,000. However, the magazine in it's original form ceased publication in 1933 due to the Great Depression, but continued to be publish under a new name "Abbott’s Monthly Illustrated News," until 1934. Help us transcribe this Abbott’s Monthly to explore the culture of the 1930s.

Browse projects by National Museum of African American History and Culture

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46 Total pages
48 Contributing members
Abbott's Monthly Vol. II No. 5

From October 1929 to September 1933, "Abbott’s Monthly" successfully engaged readers with a cosmopolitan feel that featured unknown contemporary authors who addressed African American news while also writing fiction pieces. The publication was founded by Robert Sengstacke Abbott, founder and owner of the already popular "Chicago Defender," the most popular African American newspaper in the country at the time. The first edition of "Abbott's Monthly" sold nearly 50,000 copies and shortly thereafter soared to 100,000. However, the magazine in it's original form ceased publication in 1933 due to the Great Depression, but continued to be publish under a new name "Abbott’s Monthly Illustrated News," until 1934. Help us transcribe this Abbott’s Monthly to explore the culture of the 1930s.

Browse projects by National Museum of African American History and Culture

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4 Total pages
3 Contributing members
About the Messenger

Elijah Muhammad was the leader of the Nation of Islam (NOI) for most of the mid-twentieth century. Elijah Muhammad was born Elijah Robert Poole in 1897 in Georgia. After listening to NOI founder Wallace D. Fard speak about Islam and black empowerment, Poole dedicated his life to religion and changed his name to Muhammad. Elijah Muhammad would lead the NOI from 1934-1975 and mentor Muslim leaders such as Malcolm X, Louis Farrakhan, and Muhammad Ali. This work, written circa 1960 by a devoted follower, describes Muhammad in an ethereal manner.

Browse projects by National Museum of African American History and Culture

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394 Total pages
65 Contributing members
Abrege des Descriptions des Artes

Likely copied from the publication Descriptions des Arts et Metiers (1761-1788), this clearly written manuscript contains abridged descriptions of various 18th century crafts.

Browse projects by Smithsonian Libraries

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500 Total pages
28 Contributing members
Acalypha accolades!

The Acalypha genus is one of the largest in the Euphorbiaceae. Just as we saw many Croton, Acalypha will be making an appearance in many sets.

Please contact Sylvia Orli, Department of Botany, or tweet us at @sylviaorli @TranscribeSI for any questions or comments about the transcriptions.

Browse projects by NMNH - Department of Botany