Women's roundtable conference, Luanda, People's Republic of Angola, 1978 April 29-30, Tape 3, Side 2

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Speaker 1: -- Republic, I'm sorry, it's held in Luanda, People's Republic of Angola,

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Speaker 1: 9th- the 29th and the 30th of April, 1978.

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Speaker 1: In the International Anti-Apartheid Year of 1977-78,

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Speaker 1: as proclaimed by the United Nations organizations,

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Speaker 1: the roundtable conference has been convened in Luanda,

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Speaker 1: the capital of the People's Republic of Angola,

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Speaker 1: by the Women's International Democratic Federation

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Speaker 1: and the Organization of Angolan Women,

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Speaker 1: in cooperation with the Pan-African Women's Organization,

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Speaker 1: and has tasked the following theme:

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Speaker 1: Stepping up solidarity with the children,

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Speaker 1: with the women, and the people of South Africa, Namibia, and Zimbabwe,

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Speaker 1: in their struggle for national independence, democracy, progress,

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Speaker 1: I'm sorry, progressive development, as is in Africa.

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Speaker 1: The discussion was attended by the delegates from women's organizations;

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Speaker 1: from the African National Congress of South Africa;

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Speaker 1: ZAPU of the Patriotic Front of Zimbabwe;

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Speaker 1: and the Southwest African People's Organization of Namibia;

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Speaker 1: Algeria; the People's Republic of Congo;

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Speaker 1: and women's organizations of the frontline states;

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Speaker 1: Britain; France; United States of America;

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Speaker 1: Sweden; the Federal Republic of Germany;

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Speaker 1: the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; Czechoslovakia;

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Speaker 1: Cuba; and the German Democratic Republic.

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Speaker 1: The delegates unanimously expressed their appreciation

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Speaker 1: to the Angolan Women's Organization, to President Agostinho Neto,

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Speaker 1: to the FMLA Workers Party, and the people of Angola,

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Speaker 1: for the warm welcome which helped make the discussions a success.

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Speaker 1: The child of the patriot of Angola,

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Speaker 1: which rests on the solidarity and fraternal assistance

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Speaker 1: of the USSR and Cuba,

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Speaker 1: and all the countries of the socialist community,

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Speaker 1: and other progressive forces on the African continent,

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Speaker 1: and the world over, has been a major achievement

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Speaker 1: of the revolutionary movement.

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Speaker 1: This victory has given fresh impetus to the fight of the African peoples

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against the fascist regimes in South Africa and Rhodesia.

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Speaker 1: Great appreciation was expressed by the meeting

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Speaker 1: to the Women's International Democratic Federation

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Speaker 1: for its role as support in mobilizing public opinion,

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Speaker 1: for the struggle of women,

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Speaker 1: for the struggle of the women and peoples of South Africa,

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Speaker 1: for their liberation, their contribution to the emancipation of women,

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Speaker 1: and the conservation of national independence,

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Speaker 1: progress and democracy in Africa and the world.

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Speaker 1: The meeting also expressed appreciation to the Pan-African Women's Organization,

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Speaker 1: for its fight for the rights and dignity of African women,

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Speaker 1: and their contribution to unity of African women

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Speaker 1: in their struggle against racism and colonialism.

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Speaker 1: The conference showed very clearly that the International Women's Movement

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Speaker 1: against racism and apartheid, in the south of the African continent,

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Speaker 1: is gaining its hope, that it is even more strongly

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Speaker 1: based on mass organizations of working people.

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Speaker 1: The conference showed the militant offensive spirit of broad democratic forces,

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Speaker 1: including women, demanding an end to racism in Southern Africa.

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Speaker 1: Having surveyed areas of great expansion in the world today,

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Speaker 1: the round table condemned imperialist intransigence

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Speaker 1: in the field of detente, peaceful co-coexistence, and armament,

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Speaker 1: especially youth-led armament.

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Speaker 1: The conference charged the danger of the neutron bomb,

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Speaker 1: and its-- its participants urged the women of Africa

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Speaker 1: to join in the struggle to defend the neutron bomb,

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Speaker 1: and in the general struggle for complete disarmament and for peace in the world.

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Speaker 1: The meeting called all the women and, indeed, all the people of Africa

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Speaker 1: and the world to co-- cooperate

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Speaker 1: in their-- in their effort to support the National Liberation Movement

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Speaker 1: in southern Africa, [[?]] ANC

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Speaker 1: and the independent states of Africa in their struggles

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Speaker 1: against the remnants of imperialism, for a life of peace and social justice--

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Speaker 1: The meeting is tasked with detail with the situation in Southern Africa,

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Speaker 1: analyzed in the front pages in the kind of policies,

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Speaker 1: in Namibia and Zimbabwe, and the part played by the imperialism

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Speaker 1: in armies of the Republic of South Africa and Rhodesia,

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Speaker 1: and continuing to be based there in spite of the edict

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Speaker 1: of the United Nations Resolution for an arms embargo.

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Speaker 1: The meeting concluded

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Speaker 1: that the various negotiations in Zimbabwe and Namibia

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Speaker 1: are not in the interest of the liberation of the countries concerned,

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Speaker 1: but of a neo-colonialist policy,

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Speaker 1: which will keep the people of this area

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Speaker 1: and will support perpetual economic exploitation and oppression.

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Speaker 1: These efforts are designed

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Speaker 1: to blind the peoples of Africa and the world,

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Speaker 1: and to support the interests of the imperialist countries.

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Speaker 1: Meanwhile, behind the scenes,

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Speaker 1: the racist regimes are working feverishly to stifle the oppositions.

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Speaker 1: This goes hand in hand with the struggle for imperialism

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Speaker 1: and its lackeys to establish neo-colonialist regimes

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Speaker 1: in Namibia and Zimbabwe and to isolate progressive liberation movements.

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Speaker 1: The meeting, having heard the calls of delegates of the liberation movement,

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Speaker 1: once more expressed its condemnation of Apartheid,

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Speaker 1: racism, and colonialism,

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Speaker 1: and drew the attention of the world's public opinion

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Speaker 1: to the fact that the situation in Southern Africa

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Speaker 1: is a danger, not only to Africa, but also to world peace.

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Speaker 1: The Republic of South Africa is a fascist state

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Speaker 1: and thus, aggressive by nature.

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Speaker 1: The racist regimes in Southern Africa

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bear direct responsibility for their crimes.

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For their crimes.

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Among these crimes are the massacre of children,

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the killing of people under preliminary arrest,

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large scale use of torture against freedom fighters,

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eviction of African civilians from their lands,

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suppression of the national freedom movement,

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and of aggression against the people of Angola and property,

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and the occupation of Namibia.

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The roundtable demonstrated the growing unity of the women's movement

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in opposing arms supplies to the racist regimes,

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and exposing the plans for an aggressive self-entitled block

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and the supplying of some of South Africa with new weapons.

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A roundtable call on all the progressive forces the world over

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to support the peoples of the Southern Africa in their struggle for freedom and independence.

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Under their own democratic organizations: African National Congress Congress of South Africa,

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the Patriotic Front of Zimbabwe,

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and the Southwest African Peoples Organization of Namibia,

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and to give them all the financial, material, and diplomatic assistance they require.

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The meeting discussed active cooperation by the women of all continents

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with the women of Africa, and noted the development

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of the participation of African women in public life and in the struggle for liberation.

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Speaker 1: The Conference appeals to women everywhere

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to step up the movement of solidarity

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with the fight of the peoples of Southern Africa

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of freedom and independence,

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to demand that their governments should break completely

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all economic, military, and past calculations

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with South Africa and Rhodesia.

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And to launch a large scale again

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for an end immigration from European and other countries,

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which must necessarily -

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It is necessary that all governments to respect

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the United Nations resolutions concerning the policy

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of economic sanctions against Rhodesia.

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It is a duty of the progressive world countries

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to give all ground assistance

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to the national liberation movements,

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to South Africa, Namibia and Zimbabwe,

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which would contribute to a heavy elimination

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of the racist regime in south,

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that is, the the south of Africa.

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[[speaker speaking off-mike]] [[background noise]]

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The roundtable hailed the revolutionary cooperation

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and assistance given to liberation movements

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and developing countries by the socialist countries

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and other progressive causes.

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Speaker 1: The Conference asks all these forces,

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to increase their contribution,

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as the defeat of the fascists in South Russian- in Southern Africa

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will give Africa a chance of gaining independence.

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I'm sorry - of gaining independent development.

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The roundtable strongly supports

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the struggle of the women and people of South Africa,

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[[silence]] [[coughing]]

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Namibia and Zimbabwe.

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[[silence]] [[coughing]] I'm sorry.

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And expresses deep confidence,

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[[silence]] [[coughing]]

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that the national liberation forces will put an end

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to all form of racial discrimination,

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and all its manifestations.

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This struggle and its success

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will serve the international peace and security.

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Proposal for actions:

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A. To condemn the policy of Apartheid

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pursued by the minority regime of South Africa;

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the illegal occupation of Namibia;

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and the relief of terror operations in Zimbabwe.

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To inform public opinion,

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through newspapers, radio, and television - I'm sorry -

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eh - through the mass media, about the activities of the racist

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Speaker 1: c) to strengthen support for the legitimate representatives of the people

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Speaker 1: of Southern Africa,

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Speaker 1: the African National Congress of South Africa,

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Speaker 1: the Patriotic Front of Zimbabwe, and the Southwest African --

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Speaker 1: Africa Peoples Organization of Namibia,

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Speaker 1: and, to advocate [[??]] of solidarity

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Speaker 1: with South African women and children,

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Speaker 1: and to give them all possible assistance.

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Speaker 1: To press-- d) To press all states to refrain from collaboration

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Speaker 1: with South Africa in the nuclear field,

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Speaker 1: and to prohibit the delivery of any equipment

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Speaker 1: which would enable that country to produce nuclear weapons,

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Speaker 1: and add con-- continued

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Speaker 1: and increased opposition to the

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Speaker 1: manufacture of the neu-- neutron bomb.

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Speaker 1: e) The attempt to find actions

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Speaker 1: against apartheid by women's organizations,

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Speaker 1: Uhm.

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Speaker 1: f) To develop unity with other published organizations,

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Speaker 1: with a view to increasing pressure

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Speaker 1: on western governments to impose the sanctions

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Speaker 1: and arms embargo against South Africa and Rhodesia.

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Speaker 1: g) to spread information on the status

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Speaker 1: of women and children in the countries of South Africa,

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Speaker 1: --of Southern Africa. I beg your pardon.

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Speaker 1: h)

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Speaker 1: to isolate South Africa economically by urging women

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Speaker 1: in all countries to refuse

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Speaker 1: to handle such South African goods.

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Speaker 1: i) to pressurize people saving in banks

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Speaker 1: investing in South Africa to withdraw their savings,

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Speaker 1: to add women to impress on their government,

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Speaker 1: via the OAU, that a African National Congress

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Speaker 1: should be recognized as the sole representative of the South African people,

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Speaker 1: k) to encourage women's organizations

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Speaker 1: to sign the protest messages to the

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Speaker 1: Minister of Justice, [[?]], Pretoria,

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Speaker 1: demanding the release of all political prisoners,

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Speaker 1: to com-- com-- l) to commemorate

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Speaker 1: August 9, South African Women's Day,

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Speaker 1: as widely as possible in honor of international anti-apartheid year,

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Speaker 1: and to demonstrate

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Speaker 1: in front of South African embassies everywhere at

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Speaker 1: [[side conversation]]

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Speaker 1: The [[?]] representatives for Children's Commemoration

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Speaker 1: on June 1st, [[sound in background]] International Children's Day, teached them especially

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Speaker 1: on the plight and problems of South African children--

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Speaker 1: South African children and [[?]]. Uhm--

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Speaker 1: to appeal to governments which have not yet done so

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Speaker 1: to ratify and implement the international convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of apartheid of 1973

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Speaker 1: and the international convention on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination of 1965 --

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Speaker 1: oh -- to inform the United Nations organization of the procedure and result of the roundtable conference

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Speaker 1: and also to draw the attention of the UN order and the specialized agencies, especially UNESCO, to the declaration adopted by the roundtable conference --

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Speaker 1: C - To appeal to international trade union organizations --

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Speaker 1: in which women also play an important role

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Speaker 1: to further their solidarity in the struggle against multinational corporations which continue to cooperate with and support the racist regime [[sound in background]] in Southern Africa

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Speaker 1: e)

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Speaker 1: that we send a full report of this roundtable

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Speaker 1: to the W-- to the Women's International Democratic Federation Council meeting

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Speaker 1: to be held in Moscow in May for participants

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Speaker 1: to take our report and concrete proposals

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Speaker 1: to women all over the world.

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Speaker 1: Thus friends, is the draft declaration,

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Speaker 1: uh, prepared for our roundtable.

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[[hear tape turn off and then on]]

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Speaker 1: [[inaudible]] in Zambia. [[Cross Talk]] {Unknown Speaker 1} Correction in one paragraph.

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Speaker 1: I don't think that, uh, can be [[?]]

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Speaker 1: There is a second page [[?]] I think for the third page, [[?]]

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Speaker 1: Well

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Speaker 1: The declaration declares sanctions and so forth

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Speaker 1: I ask the [[?]] discourage for the victims [[?]]

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Speaker 1: To discourage some African governments from advocating [[?]]

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{Unknown Speaker 1} could you repeat your eh,--?

00:24:37.000 --> 00:25:06.000
Speaker 1: Yes. To discourage some African governments from advocating in support of dialogue in South Africa. Because we find some members of the [[?]] They are from countries [[?]] [[tape clicks off and on]]

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Speaker 1: women and children will [[inaudible]]-- {Unknown Speaker 2} [[Cross Talk]] Another correction.

00:25:08.000 --> 00:25:35.000
Speaker 1: I fear, the three countries must be [incentive??, coaxed??]] thousands of refugees, women and children in- here in Angola, from Namibia, Zambia, Botswana, and Mozambique, thousands of children, support must go to the women and children in the 3 countries in Southern Africa.

00:25:35.000 --> 00:25:55.000
Speaker 1: I think where we where we [[inaudible}] [[Cross Talk]] I'm speaking about the 3 countries in Southern Africa uh especially where the position is the same in all these 3 countries the the [[inaudible}]

00:25:55.000 --> 00:26:09.000
[[tape screeches off and on]]

00:26:09.000 --> 00:26:10.000
Speaker 1: [[?]] [[tape clicks off and on]]

00:26:10.000 --> 00:26:16.000
Freda Brown: [[??]] can say is this is an historic [[inaudible]] very true, [[Cross Talk]] [[SPEAKER name="Pearl Bowser"} Freda Brown. Closing address.

00:26:16.000 --> 00:26:21.000
Freda Brown: And I think it's true, that every one of us

00:26:21.000 --> 00:26:26.000
Freda Brown: are proud to have been privileged to take part

00:26:26.000 --> 00:26:32.000
Freda Brown: in this meeting, because this meeting has united the women

00:26:32.000 --> 00:26:37.000
Freda Brown: from the Liberation Movement, from the front-line states

00:26:37.000 --> 00:26:41.370
Freda Brown: and the progressive women from all over the world.

00:26:44.000 --> 00:26:50.000
Freda Brown: I think, too, this has shown the real feeling

00:26:50.000 --> 00:26:55.000
Freda Brown: of solidarity with those who are struggling against apartheid,

00:26:55.000 --> 00:27:00.000
Freda Brown: and it is symbolic of the unity in this,

00:27:00.000 --> 00:27:05.000
Freda Brown: the United Nations year of anti-apartheid,

00:27:05.000 --> 00:27:10.000
Freda Brown: that it shows the determination to finally wipe out

00:27:10.000 --> 00:27:14.000
Freda Brown: all remnants of detested colonialism.

00:27:14.000 --> 00:27:21.000
Freda Brown: The declaration that we have adopted as a concrete proposal

00:27:21.000 --> 00:27:28.000
Freda Brown: proves that this roundtable has all [[met??]] its aims,

00:27:28.000 --> 00:27:35.000
Freda Brown: but the real test is what we are going to do

00:27:35.000 --> 00:27:37.000
Freda Brown: when we leave this meeting.

00:27:37.000 --> 00:27:43.000
Freda Brown: We must take the messages of suffering

00:27:43.000 --> 00:27:50.000
Freda Brown: and of struggle that we have heard out to the women, out to the people, all over the world.

00:27:50.000 --> 00:27:56.000
Freda Brown: We must have meetings, we must speak over the radio,

00:27:56.000 --> 00:28:01.000
Freda Brown: we must write articles in the press, on TV.

00:28:01.000 --> 00:28:05.000
Freda Brown: We must speak to women's meetings, youth meetings,

00:28:05.000 --> 00:28:08.000
Freda Brown: particularly to trade union meetings.

00:28:08.000 --> 00:28:14.000
Freda Brown: Of course, here, together, it was a wonderful feeling of solidarity.

00:28:14.000 --> 00:28:22.000
Freda Brown: We are all like-minded. We know the horror of apartheid.

00:28:22.000 --> 00:28:30.000
Freda Brown: But let us remember. All people do not know these facts.

00:28:30.000 --> 00:28:38.000
Freda Brown: They must be told. This is our job. This is our responsibility.

00:28:38.000 --> 00:28:42.000
Freda Brown: They must not only be told, they must be aroused.

00:28:42.000 --> 00:28:47.000
Freda Brown: They must be united into action. They must pressure their governments.

00:28:47.000 --> 00:28:53.000
Freda Brown: We must carry out the concrete proposals that we have adopted today.

00:28:53.000 --> 00:28:59.000
Freda Brown: We must widely publicize the declaration that we have adopted.

00:28:59.000 --> 00:29:05.000
Freda Brown: Dear friends, I too want to thank all the participants.

00:29:05.000 --> 00:29:13.000
Freda Brown: Some for coming, for traveling so far, and for the speeches that you have made.

00:29:13.000 --> 00:29:20.000
Freda Brown: Of course I want to thank OMA. To all of us, it was a wonderful inspiration

00:29:20.000 --> 00:29:25.000
Freda Brown: To have the opportunity to hear those young women,

00:29:25.000 --> 00:29:31.000
Freda Brown: fresh from the provinces, who spoke so willingly about the work they have done.

00:29:31.000 --> 00:29:39.000

00:29:39.000 --> 00:29:45.000
Freda Brown: But it was very moving indeed. For me to have witnessed

00:29:45.000 --> 00:29:50.000
Freda Brown: the women who have made it possible for the young women today

00:29:50.000 --> 00:29:54.000
Freda Brown: to be free in a free Angola.

00:29:54.000 --> 00:30:00.000
Freda Brown: I want to-- to thank OMA, and thank the pioneers

00:30:00.000 --> 00:30:06.000
Freda Brown: who came and greet us, because they brought right into this roundtable

00:30:06.000 --> 00:30:11.000
Freda Brown: the joy and the beauty that free children need.

00:30:11.000 --> 00:30:16.000
Freda Brown: I want to-- to thank the [[WIDF??]] and, particularly,

00:30:16.000 --> 00:30:22.000
Freda Brown: [[??]] Violet for the clear, concise, and decisive

00:30:22.000 --> 00:30:25.000
Freda Brown: contribution he made to us.

00:30:25.000 --> 00:30:30.000
Freda Brown: And most of all, to thank President Neto for making it possible. [[applause]]

00:30:30.000 --> 00:30:39.000

00:30:39.000 --> 00:30:45.000
Freda Brown: Of course we say thank you to the technical workers and to those friends of OMA

00:30:45.000 --> 00:30:49.000
Freda Brown: who provided the lovely cakes and the lovely snacks

00:30:49.000 --> 00:30:54.000
Freda Brown: that reinforced our strength in between all our speeches,

00:30:54.000 --> 00:31:00.000
Freda Brown: and also the drivers and-- Do we call them the outdrivers;

00:31:00.000 --> 00:31:07.000
Freda Brown: those beautiful, slim, young women, who handle those motorbikes like real veterans.

00:31:07.000 --> 00:31:16.000

00:31:16.000 --> 00:31:20.000
Freda Brown: I want too to thank all those who work behind the scenes,

00:31:20.000 --> 00:31:27.000
Freda Brown: and particularly, to thank our interpreters who've done such a patient [[??]] [[applause]] job [[inaudible]]

00:31:27.000 --> 00:31:38.000

00:31:38.000 --> 00:31:45.000
Freda Brown: I want too to thank the mass media, the television, the radio, and the press

00:31:45.000 --> 00:31:51.000
Freda Brown: who have done so much to help us to take our message out to the world.

00:31:51.000 --> 00:31:59.000

00:31:59.000 --> 00:32:05.000
Freda Brown: I think you can say that the message from this roundtable is:

00:32:05.000 --> 00:32:12.000
Freda Brown: that the struggle against Apartheid is not the struggle of the South Africans;

00:32:12.000 --> 00:32:15.340
Freda Brown: it is not the struggle of the front line--

00:32:19.000 --> 00:32:19.464