Martin H. Moynihan - Field notes, Andean Birds, Colombia, 1962-65, Vol. 3

About the Project

Did you know that Machu Picchu--a mountain known for an Incan city built in the 1400s--experiences both wet and dry seasons? This made it an attractive location for the Incas to live and grow food, but what wildlife might that weather sustain, too? Climb up Machu Picchu and other Andean mountains with Martin H. Moynihan's field book. Moynihan, an animal behaviorist and later Director and Senior Scientist at the Smithsonian Tropical Institute, took these notes in Ecuador and Peru during 1964-66. His observations include elevations recorded as he traveled through the mountains, alongside descriptions of the birds he found. Join other volunteers in transcribing Moynihan's field notes and experience a first-hand account of a trek up Machu Picchu!

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243 pages completed



