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INVOICE. Kobe, Japan, ,1910 Invoice of purchased by, of from, of to be shipped per [[5 columned table]] | MARKS, NUMBERS. AND QUANITIES. | FULL DESCRIPTION OF GOODS. | PRICE PER UNIT. | TOTAL AMOUNT. | CONSULAR CORRECTIONS OR REMARKS. | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | |Brought | |8108.80| | | |Cases No. 9 = 1t| | | | |#1 = 1Y!S.I.167| Old Chinese black Lacquer cargo table inlaid with M of P. (14th Century)| | 1200.00|[[dash in different hand]]| | | | | |9301.80| | | |Charges| | | | | |Cost of Shipment| 12.00| | | | |Consular Fee| 5.02|x| | | |Insurance| 50.00|x| | | |Freight Payable at desk|--| 67.02| | | |Total| Yen| 9368.82| | [[2 columned table]] | | | | --- | --- | |Recapitulation| | |Wooden ware| 2010.00| |Porcelain ware| 3966.80| |Pewter ware| 25.00| |Paintings| 900.00| |Stone ware| 250.00| |Lacquer ware| 1950.00| |Carved wood Lacq' ware| 200.00| | |9301.80| | |[[?? mostly covered by attached note]] [[Rubber Stamp]] AMERICAN CONSULATE, KOBE, JAPAN QUADRUPICATE INVOICE. NO. 867 DATE OF CERTIFICATION FEB 12 1910 AMOUNT YEN 936882 CONSULAR FEE{ GOLD $2.50 YEN 5.02 [[/Rubber Stamp]] [[Handwritten Note attached to page]] Yen 9369. 49(8) 4666. Mt Wood. 35% [[/Handwritten Note attached to page]] agent of either Yamanaka Abo Makujiro Yamanaka President
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