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Author: Trelease

Slide Number: 6427

Processing Date: 08-05

Processing Technique:

Herbarium Abbreviation: US

Herbarium Name: United States National Herbarium, Smithsonian Institution

Herbarium Number: 9009

Collection Date: 1959-04

Collector: Reitz; Klein

Genus: Ottonia

Species: baptisiana


Country: Brazil



Territory: Santa Catarina

Precise Locality: Sange da Areia Jacinto Machado, Danta [Santa?] Catarina, Brazil

Transcription Notes:
Another slide with "8-5" under the slide number. Cards sometimes use the acronym for an institution instead of the herbarium code; it's okay to replace the acronym (USNH, here) with the code (US). GeoNames lists a place named Jacinto Machado in the state of Santa Catarina in Brazil. Hand edits: added author; E in upper left corner of card.