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Author: Oliv.

Slide Number: 6310

Processing Date:

Processing Technique:

Herbarium Abbreviation: US

Herbarium Name: United States National Herbarium, Smithsonian Institution

Herbarium Number: 659

Collection Date: 1908-06

Collector: Wilson

Genus: Tetracentron

Species: sinense

Family: Tetracentraceae

Country: China



Territory: Sichuan

Precise Locality: Western Szechuan [Sichuan] Prov.

Transcription Notes:
(Magnoliaceae) Hand edits: E in top left corner; (Magnoliaceae) under family & herbarium code. Alt location spelling on card: Szechuan >> We're supposed to include that on the card along with the current/modern spelling. Alt family typed on card: Tetracentraceae >> It's the family. Not sure what "(Magnoliaceae)" means, but it is not the family for this species.