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Sr. K. H. des Herzogs zu Braunschweig und Lüneburg

Schloss Marienburg, den
(20a) bei Nordstemmen (Hannover) 
Fernruf Nordstemmen 225

30. October 1951.

To Mr. [[double underline]] John C u n n i n g h a m [[/double underline]] [[underline]] New-York. [[/underline]]

Dear Sir,

I enclose the required snapshots which you wished to have.

The sizes of the portraits of King George III. and Queen Charlotte painted by Gainsborough, 1727-1788, are quite the same, they measure 2,35 m Height & 1,48 m breadth.

The King is wearing white wig, dark blue coat with red collar & cuffs, with white lace & neckerchief, white waistcoat and trousers & high black boots, the coat is golden laced, yellow cane with golden knob. He wears the Blue Ribbon of the Garter and star.

Background : Tree-landscape.

The Queen is wearing white dress with black veil, 4 rows of pearls round her neck and wrists, locket with the Kings portrait, studded with diamonds, fair hair turning grey. Background : Corner of a palace, trees

The picture of King George III., painted by Zoffany, measures 1,65 m height and 1,35 m breadth. The King is wearing a red coat with blue cuffs and white lace, white neckerchief, trousers & stockings. He wears the dark blue Ribbon and Star of the Garter, golden laces & buttons. The chair has green cover.

I hope these descriptions will do.

Prince Welf Heinrich has started for Austria some days ago.

With kindest regards

Yours sincerely

