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[[preprinted]] Cablegram to all parts of America
The commercial cable company 
Telegraphic address: YAKCAM-PARIS
[[Image: A globe showing the Americas and Europe and Africa and lines of Latitude and Longitude.  It is wrapped in a 'ribbon' that reads 'A.C.&R. serves the world by cable and radio']]
[[hand written]] Copy Oct. 4.53 [[/hand written]]
24, Boulevard des Capucines Paris
Telephone: Opera 93-14
Nature du telegramme
Nombre de mots
Heure de depot 
Mentions de service a transmettre a la fin du 
Via Commercial
Via Commercial[[/preprinted]]
[[hand written]] John Cunningham
Hotel Shelbowine 
Saint-Stephens Green Street
Dublin (Irlande)
am remaining Paris please telephone me monday evening seven oclock or morning[[/hand written]]
[[printed]] The Company only accepts this cablegram subject to the conditions fixed by the International Regulations [[/printed]]
[[printed]] Declaration exigible pour les telegrammes a  prix reduits (Declaration reuired on reduced rate cables)
Je declare que le texte ci-dessus est entierement redige en langage clair(.)
et ne comporte pas une signification differente de celle qui ressort de son libelle. Signature: Indiquer la langue.[[/printed]]
[[printed]] R.C. Havre B. 284[[/printed]]
[[printed]] Name of Sender [[/printed]]
Germain Seligman
[[printed]]Hotel Lotti
7, Rue de Castiglione
Reg. Add.: Otelotti-Paris