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[[letterhead]] ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS 
PICCADILLY, LONDON, W.1. [[/letterhead]]
16th December, 1953.


Dear Sir,

In reply to your letter of November 17th, I regret the error which was made in supplying duplicate prints of a drawing by Ingres, No. 427 in the recent Old Masters Drawings Exhibition.  A photograph of No. 431 is forwarded herewith. 

Unfortunately none of the othere works mentioned in your letter were photographed during the Exhibition.  The Royal Academy is not able to arrange for this to be done after such works have been returned to their owners.  I therefore suggest that you write direct to the owners, whose addresses are: 

Brinsley Ford, Esq.,  ^[[PADington 0826]]  ^[[checkmark]]
14, Wyndham Place, Bryanston Square, London, W.l.
Mrs. T.^[[omas]] Harris, ^[[Ltd.]] 
Garden Lodge, Logan Place, London, W.8. ^[[FREmantle 0373]]  ^[[checkmark]]

Sir Bruce Ingram,
Great Pednor Manor, Chesham Bois, Buckinghamshire. ^[[checkmark]]

Yours faithfully,
^[[Humphrey Browne]]


Mr. J.J. Cunningham,
112 East Fifty-fourth Street, 
New York 22, N.Y., U.S.A.