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John J. Cunningham
112 East 54th Street
New York 22, New York

Copy for J.S. & Co.

December 8, 1953

Dear Monsieur Rottier:

Some two months having elapsed since I had the pleasure of talking with you, I am hoping that with the passage of time, it has been possible for you to confer with His Serene Highness the Duke, and to take up with him the matters of which I talked with you.

It would be very agreeable to hear that he is so well pleased with the continuing considerable results already provided that he can envision the advantage of prolonging the period of the agreement now in force between us.

It must be recognized that the thorough and unhurried efforts made by us have protected the values and, thereby, the interests of His Highness.  Any unwarranted change or break in the continuity of his representation in this country would inevitably be reflected in the attitude of possible buyers for these rare items, with a corresponding lessening of financial benefit to the Duke.

It is obvious that no other person or firm could have the knowledge that has been acquired by us through study and contact with the various and varied items.  We believe that it is equally evident that no one could have the interest of the Duke so much at heart.  With the consent of His Highness to the extension of the terms of the agreement, we would proceed with assurance and unabated interest in the intricate course of securing the highest possible return from the limited existing audience. 

Conversely, great damage might be done to the interests of the Duke were some one, unfamiliar with previous activities, to approach people now having purchases in mind through our contact with them.  Such sales approaches could be made only with lowered prices as the basis.  As you know these prices have been maintained by us on the ground that His Serene Highness is not in a hurry and that he will not be placed in a bargaining position.

Already the season is well along and we therefore venture to propose that no time be lost in securing from His Highness, the essential additional months in which we may work in an atmosphere of security towards our mutual objective.

With assurances of my regard, I am, 

Sincerely yours,

John J.Cunningham

Monsieur J. M. Rottier,
J. v. Oldenbarneveltlaan 35,
The Hague, Netherlands.