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many museums

have paintings by this master, one must be realistic and realize that the field is a limited one for paintings by him at extremely high prices. Of course this applies to works by other painters as well. I would therefore ask you to give consideration to this when deciding on prices to be asked. SUch prices would have a considerable bearing on the outcome of our neotiations as I feel that I would be assuming a moral responisibility were I to encourage you to ship such paintings to us with the consquent expense, were I not to feel that we would have a real possibility of selling at the established prices.

The Art Season is well under way here and is short at best, so if the foregoing ideas meet with your approval would you write to me to that effect, together with any suggestions you would like to have incorporated in an exchange of letters between Mr. Germain Seligman, President of Jacques Seligmann & Co., myself, and yourself. Action to take advantage of the present season could then be started.

It is my impression that you are planning a flight to New York some time soon at which time I hope to have you and Mr. Seligman meet. I have mentioned to him the other Spanish paintings in your collection and would like, if you agree, to have a list of such paintings as you might part with any data and bibliography which may be available.

With kind regard to Mrs. Stirling and yourself, I am,

Sincerely yours,

John J. Cunningham

P.S. I should have mentioned that payments for any pictures sold could be depositied to your credit in the Seligmann firm's bank, J.P. Morgan & Co., or in such other bank as you would stipulate.

Colonel William Stirling,
Keir House, Dublane,

P.P.S. As regards the two Manuscripts, what would you say to sending them by Air Parcel Post (in seperate packages) for inspection. This ist he usualy way of shipping and occasions no comment. The insurance rate is lower by air than by ordinary mail. The shipping firm of CHENUE & Co. would handle all the paper s and are accustomed to shipping to the firm of Seligmann here.