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^[[Copy for G. S.]]

Ridley Bryan & Co.
Chartered Accountants.

H.W.R. Bryan, D.S.C., A.C.A. 

65 Blanford Street
London W. 1.,
Tel: Welbeck 8347
and at
36 East Lane, Wembley
Arnold 2076

4th June 1959

Dear Mr. Cunningham:

Thank you for your letter of the 20th May. As you will see I am now in practise on my own account, and have no longer any connection with the Grosvenor Estates.

If you want any help with regard to the MSS you refer to, I suggest that you write to:-

W.F. Barnes Esq.,
The Estate Office,

Mention my name and I'm sure he will help you.

I see there are only 18 pictures coming up at Sotheby's, not a very large section of the collection.

Do please let me know when you come to London, we must meet again.

Yours sincerely,

Sgd H W R Bryan

J.J. Cunningham, Esq.,
111 East 65th Street,
New York 21,