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111 East 65th Street 
New York 21 New York

Tuesday June 2d., 1959

Dear Germain:

Your pleasant note of the 29th May at hand when I arrived an hour ago from Glens Falls.  So that you may have no anxiety as to ^[[my]] / approaching the S. Paolo party, be assured that no explanation is required.  I mentioned it specifically so that you would say yes or no, and I'm sure that there is ample reason for your "position" in the matter.  [[underline]] No action [[/underline]] by me, of course.

I suppose that my note must have been a bit optimistic as to time and even inclination on your part....but somehow the thought of those 35 drawings getting away before you'd have a chance to pass on their validity and desirability....well it agitated me, still does in fact but I will hold the thought of Manana.  And M. K. are having a most extraordinary exhib. of drawings in the Fall, including five on loan from Her Majesty the Queen (of Eng.) all being for the benefit of Columbia University....King's College.  So it would be nice to be able to show 35 by the man named by the Spanish Grandee.

So far, not a trace of a letter from the New York lawyers to Porter and Porter.  I have been unable today to get into touch with the young man here, but he [[pencil underline]] was [[/pencil underline]] busy on the floor, and sent word he would call when free.  I want this to go into the mail now, so that you may rest assured about the Bermejo.  Will follow with a more polite letter and the enclosure for Porter etc. 

You were [[pencil underline]] most [[/pencil underline]] kind to enquire for my family, and I can only say that while the week-end was very agreeable, I am still concerned [[strikeout]] about Katharine who seems to tire all too easily and to look the fatigue that she feels.  Perhaps the Summer will  bring relaxation....we have had a hard winter and it has taken its toll.

One final word...I fear, with you, that Hector is down the [[strikeout]] drain....unless we can revive the matter in the Fall somehow, and with some bait irresistible to him.

I'll get this into the mail now and send you further news as quickly as possible.

No word yet from the Marchesa Patrizi as to her present continuing ownership of the Polo cpt....and no word from the Abeggs as to the sincerity of the desire for said cpt.  Will advise you when and if.

All the Best, Germain....

[[signed]] John [[/signed]]