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[[preprinted]]REGENT 7-9880


June 28th., 1962

Dear Germain:

As I told Mrs. Parker when she telephoned this morning, I was just on the point of sending an envelope to 5 East 57th for forwarding to you. I had managed to have a print made of the WILHELM letter (and the envelope) and wanted to have you read the original Swissdeutsch, if that's the way to spell an ugly word, describing an unpleasant variation of the exquisite German language. So here is a letter direct, which I hope finds the Seligmans well and reasonably diverted.  I seem to hear you say...."what diversion is that?". And I have made sundry comments on the two prints.

Answering Mrs. Parker's query, I told her that I had not heard from up-North, and that so far as I could see, the logical thing is to send the painting to storage for the next six to eight weeks, the while those overworked lads regain their energy and get over telling people that since the Aristotle evening, they have been too exhausted (financially) to think of anything large or small.  Mrs. Parker will write you, I'm sure, just what and when happens. I think it is clear that I have not called my young friend or otherwise PRESSED.

Your pleasant note form the Ritz in Paris was appreciated, and especially the philosophical way in which you took the Wilhelm news. I agree so thoroughly with you about that owner, and his lack of any visible sentiment, but it has occurred to me that he may have read the recent book and gotten his first intimation as to where his marbles are resting.  He may even have inquired as to the price paid.

Now, so that you may be thoroughly au courant, I will quote a letter received yesterday; viz:

    5 Juin 62    3 Villa Madrid                
                 Neuilly    Seine
    Je vous remercie de votre lettre, 
    mais je n'envisage pas actuellement de me
    sèparer d'aucun objet.
        Veuillez ????? à mes sentiments 
               Gve de Tinguy du Pouet

so for the moment we have an answer from another Marquet de Vasselot, and I am wondering whether there is a sufficient gleam of encouragement therein in that little adverb...[[underline]]."just now"[[/underline]] justify your telephoning her at Neuilly (Vtsse Lionel de Tinguy du Pouet) Mai 5914, to say that I have received her kind note and have asked you to clarify her position as to [[underline]]now[[/underline]] or [[underline]]future[[/underline]] possibilities..... or, on the other hand, should I write thanking her and saying I am asking a friend (Mr. Seligman???) to phone her on his return from London/Switzerland, to make said enquiry?  (Her holograph letter was charming, in effect. I guess she is nice.)

How are your charming friends in Bond street?

Kindest greetings,

Germain Seligman, Esq
Claridge's Hotel, London W.1.