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[[underlined]] Welcome to New Regents [[/underlined]]

On behalf of the Board the Chancellor welcomed the newly appointed Regents: Senator Barry Goldwater, replacing Senator Hugh Scott, and Senator Claiborne Pell, replacing Senator Frank E. Moss.

The Chancellor explained to the new Regents that the Executive Committee of the Board meets in advance of the full meeting.  He emphasized that unlike a caucus, it affords an opportunity for the small committee to be briefed on everything that is on the agenda, and to identify the people who will be fully informed on any particular subject so that they can provide all necessary information to the Regents.  It is important to demonstrate that the Executive Committee knows what is going on.  Through the good offices of James Webb, the Chairman, who devotes a great deal of time regularly working with the Secretary and the staff, the Executive Committee is kept in very close touch with all major policy matters, and they are fully discussed at the Executive Committee meetings.  Thus the Committee became fully familiar with the matters on this agenda at our meeting last evening and will also be able to respond.

[[underlined]] Keeping the Regents Informed [[/underlined]]

Mr. Ripley called attention to the publications in front of each Regent, including the directory of the Executive Staff which had been requested by Mr. Watson as a means of identifying the senior staff of the Institution.  Another observation was also made