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It is hoped that the change of time for this meeting will permit greater attendance by all of the Regents. Today's attendance is a very favorable indication that future meetings will be just as well attended.

[[underline]]Request of United Press International[[/underline]]

Mr.Ripley reported that a letter request had been received from a reporter with United Press International seeking permission to attend the Regents meeting.  Mr. Mike Feinsilber represents the cultural and arts side of UPI and regularly covers many Smithsonian activities.

The consensus of the Board was that at the conclusion of this meeting the Secretary is authorized to meet with this reporter, as well as others from the media, and brief them informally about the meeting.

[[underline]]Minutes of Meeting of October 1, 1976[[/underline]]

It was noted that the Minutes of the Regents' meeting of October 1, 1976, had been circulated to the members of the Board. The Board having no changes to suggest recommended approval of the Minutes. It was

VOTED that the Minutes of the Meeting of October 1, 1976, as circulated on October 28, 1976, are approved.