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while the balance will be applied to such items as support for higher operating costs at new Master Plan Facilities at the Zoo, added computer capacity both in Washington and at the Astrophysical Observatory, additional guard protection, increased support for exhibits maintenance, and the production of traveling exhibitions and additional acquisition funds for works of art.

Although disallowing our request for a modest working fund, OMB indicated willingness to assist us in working with Congress to establish increased financial flexibility.  New reprogramming guidelines are now pending before our Appropriations Subcommittees.  These proposed guidelines provide for some movement of funds between S&E line items without prior approval.  If these guidelines are approved, operating problems of the Institution will be greatly eased.

[[underline]]Construction - FY 1978[[/underline]]: Our FY 1978 budget to Congress totals $11,025,000, including $10,700,000 for restoration, improvement and repair items and $325,000 to initiate planning of a Museum Support Center.  Included in the former amount is $7,100,000 for the sixth floor addition of a study center and library to the Museum of History and Technology Building.  Another $2,600,000 will fund needed repairs and improvements to a wide variety of Smithsonian facilities: --Construction of a dormitory adjacent to the Multiple Mirror Telescope at Mt. Hopkins; modifications for employee safety and health at Silver Hill; and multi-year projects such as the continued