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[[underline]]Hirshhorn Film[[underline]]

Mr. Ripley reported that two years ago the United States Information Agency produced a color film entitled "Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden."  The film, which is of excellent quality, has been shown extensively in foreign countries and reports indicate that it has been enthusiastically received by viewing audiences.

The law which established the United States Information Agency prohibits the distribution within the United States of materials the Agency produces.  However, from time to time legislation has been enacted exempting specific works and titles from the prohibition.

The Director of the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden has requested that the Board of Regents consider and approve the introduction of legislation to exempt the Hirshhorn film and make it available for distribution in this country, by means of sale or rental, through the National Audio-Visual Center of the National Archives, and agency of the General Services Administration.

A draft bill was prepared to accomplish this purpose and the following motion was approved.

VOTED that the Board of Regents requests its Congressional members to introduce and support legislation to make the film "Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden" available within the United States.