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NPG Acquisitions, 1976


John Burroughs, pastel on paper, by Walter Beck, transfer from the National Collection of Fine Arts; gift of Elizabeth A. Achelis

Rutherford B. Hayes, plaster bust, by Olin Warner, transfer from the National Collection of Fine Arts; gift of Mrs. Carlyle Jones


Charles Francis Adams, photograph, by Mathew Brady Studio

John Quincy Adams, engraving, by Thomas Gimbrede

Samuel Adams, mezzotint, attributed to George Graham

Samuel Adams, engraving, by John Norman

James Agee, photograph, by Walker Evans

Theodosia Burr Alston, oil on canvas, by unknown artist

John A. Andrew, Parian ware, by J. McD. &S.

Authors of the United States, engraving, by Alexander Hay Ritchie

Phineas Taylor Barnum and family, photograph, by unknown

Henry Ward Beecher, photograph, by Napoleon Sarony

Nicholas Biddle, watercolor, by J. B. Longacre

Van Wyck Brooks, pastel on paper, by John Butler Yeats

William Cullen Bryant, photograph, by Napoleon Sarony

Lewis Cass, sepia watercolor, by J. B. Longacre

Mary Cassatt, watercolor on paper, self-portrait

William Merritt Chase. photograph, by Edward Steichen (?)

John Cheverus, oil on canvas, by unknown artist

Theodore Dreiser, photograph, by Lotte Jacoby

Isadora Duncan, photograph, by Arnold Genthe

James Fisk, Jr., photograph, by unknown

Benjamin Franklin, terra cotta, by Jean-Antoine Houdon

Albert Gallatin, oil on cardboard, by Worthington Whittredge

Ulysses S. and Mrs. Grant with Emperor of Japan, woodblock print, by Hiroshige III

William Henry Harrison, lithograph, by Albert Newsam

Bret Harte, photograph, by J. Gurney

Edward Hopper, photograph, by Berenice Abbott

Robert Irwin, photograph, by Imogen Cunningham

Andrew Jackson, sepia watercolor, by J. B. Longacre

Andrew Jackson, lithograph, by Albert Newsam

"Stonewall" Jackson, lithograph, by Dominique Fabronius

"Stonewall" Jackson, lithograph, by Anton Hohenstein

Franz Kline, photograph, by Robert Frank

Huddie Ledbetter, photograph by Berenice Abbott

Robert E. Lee, oil on canvas, by E. C. Bruce

Abraham Lincoln and his Cabinet, engraving by Alexander Hay Ritchie