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Report of the National Collection of Fine Arts Commission


The following were elected as officers for 1977:

[[indent]]George B. Tatum, Chairman
[[indent]]Otto Wittmann, Vice Chairman
[[indent]]S. Dillon Ripley, Secretary

It was recommended that the following members be reappointed for another four year term: 

[[indent]]Mr. Thomas Buechner
[[indent]]Mr. David Finley
[[indent]]Mr. August Heckscher
[[indent]]Mr. Thomas Howe
[[indent]]Mrs. Jaquelin Hume
[[indent]]Mr. Charles Sawyer
[[indent]]Mrs. Otto Spaeth

The following new member, appointed by the Board of Regents in January 1976, attended his first meeting:

[[indent]]Mr. R. Philip Hanes, Jr.

The following members resigned from the Commission or asked that their appointments not be renewed:

[[indent]]Mr. Martin Friedman (1968 - )
[[indent]]Mr. Henry McIlhenny (1957 - )
[[indent]]Mr. Ogden Pleissner (1957 - )

It was recommended that the following be appointed by the Board of Regents to the NCFA Commission:

[[indent]]Mrs. Hiram McKee, Indianapolis, Indiana (information attached)