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[[underlined]] Museum of African Art [[/underlined]]

Dr. Haskins reviewed the background of the Museum of African Art and recalled that at the May 10, 1976 meeting of the Board the Chancellor brought to their attention a letter with attachments from Warren Robbins, Director of the Museum of African Art, in which he proposed acquisition of the Museum by the Smithsonian. That proposal has received endorsement by a large number of Senators and Representatives. In our ensuing discussions, it was concluded that further study of the proposal was needed, and the Chancellor appointed a committee consisting of Senator Moss, Congressman Yates, Judge Higginbotham and Dr. Haskins to study the matter.

During the summer, Mr. Blitzer and Mr. Powers accumulated additional data, and the committee has kept in touch. The committee held its first meeting in December, attended by Messrs. Yates, Haskins, Blitzer and Powers. Two interim conclusions were reached:

(1) That in view of the new Administration and the loss of Senator Moss from the committee we should not make any definitive recommendations at the meeting. But they did discuss general guidelines for any negotiation of this kind that:

(a) Appropriate congressional approvals, whether in the form of authorizing legislation or otherwise be secured;

(b) assumption of responsibility by the Smithsonian be made contingent upon receipt of adequate appropriations;