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(c) the policies and administration of the Museum be under the Regents and the Secretary directly, with an advisory board representing the present trustees of the African Museum; and

(d) that the Regents and the Secretary be free in the future to make whatever use they deem appropriate of the collections, real estate and other assets of the Museum.

(2) The committee plans to make a detailed report and recommendations to the Board at the spring meeting.

Senator Pell mentioned that as chairman of the Subcommittee on the Smithsonian Institution, he had spoken at great length with Warren Robbins on this, and the Senator's own view is that the buildings should not be taken over by the Smithsonian because they are not suitable for a museum, but on the other hand, we should have the collections and perhaps place them in some other Smithsonian building.

Judge Higginbotham stressed the significance of the Frederick Douglass House as a part of the Museum and the historical aspects of the property.  It was concluded that this matter will continue to be explored.