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[[underlined]] National Zoological Park [[/underlined]]

The award winning William Mann lion and tiger exhibit was completed and opened to the public in April 1976. At the same time the newly renovated elephant house yards and bird house plaza were finished and opened for public use. Currently under construction is the new education and administration building located near the Connecticut Avenue entrance to the Zoo. This building will be completed by the first of March (although occupancy will occur earlier). It will contain a 300-seat auditorium for the public and three classrooms for school and public uses. Also under construction are the new bear exhibits consisting of one new facility for grizzly bears, the second new facility for polar bears and renovations of existing bear exhibits. These will be completed in the spring of this year. The necropsy facility to accommodate pathological and autopsy work on large mammals is under construction, to be finished in April of this year. The third major project is the general services and parking facility which will provide new housing for the commissary, maintenance shops and other Zoo service activities, and parking for 200 cars on its roof. This structure is scheduled to be completed in the fall of 1977. A construction contract has been awarded this month for Beaver Valley to accommodate beavers, otters, seals, sea lions and timber wolves. This project is being done on the fast-track method with construction started while design is continuing. Beaver Valley is estimated to be completed in early 1978. Currently in design are new facilities for the central area to provide for the great apes, monkey island, and renovation of the existing small mammal and reptile houses.