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The following information is provided as an update to the report on equal employment opportunity presented to the Regents at the January 1976 meeting.

Overall permanent employment at the Institution increased from 3584 employees at the time of the August 1975 report to the Regents to 3855 employees as of October 1976. Although minority employment increased from 1252 to 1282 during this period, the ratio of minorities to non-minorities decreased. The most significant increase in minority employment occurred at grade levels 5 through 8, in part a result of upward mobility emphasis at these levels. Present incumbents at these grades will be a potential source of candidates for higher grades. Minority employment in grade levels 13 through 15 increased from 25 to 27; this increase, which occurred despite a decrease in overall employment at these levels, may be attributed to increased affirmative recruitment efforts. A decrease in minority employment from the 1975 figure occurred at grade levels 9 through 12, where minority employment fell from 150 to 140, even though overall employment increased at these levels. Judge Higginbotham found this record to be unexplainable and urged that the Institution take affirmative action to increase opportunities for minorities. 

The following chart compares April 1975 with October 1976 employment statistics.