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May 2nd, 1936

Dear John:

In checking over the information sent you on the pictures we are loaning for the exhibition at East Hampton, Long Island, I find that there have been certain omissions and that the information is incomplete. Just how this happened I do not know, but the fact remains that it is so; therefore, I am sending you herewith the revised and amended information on those pictures.

Germain told me of his conversation with you yesterday. In this connection may we suggest that only one of the Valenciennes pictures be exhibited; the one called "The Stone Bridge". In place of the other the only other thing we could suggest would be one of our Hubert Roberts. These are also a pair, and I am enclosing photographs of both so that you may make a choice. I would appreciate your returning to us the one you do not use, together with the Valenciennes which is being withdrawn.

I trust you will find them within the scope. Actually, the only other pure flower and garden pictures we have are our Redons, which unfortunately will not be available.

I trust the above is satisfactory.

As ever, with best wishes,
Yours sincerely,

(Robert M. Levy)

John Cunningham, Esq.
Knoedler Art Galleries
14 East 57th. Street
New York, New York